Dear Statalist Members,
I am trying to do a decomposition analysis proposed by Foster-Haltiwanger-Krizan (2001)
I am struggling with the Between and Covariance parts of the decomposition analysis
I have attached the definition of the FHK (2001), for reference. Please help in how i can code it in Stata. My code doesn't seem to add up.
I am trying to do a decomposition analysis proposed by Foster-Haltiwanger-Krizan (2001)
I am struggling with the Between and Covariance parts of the decomposition analysis
***Foster, Haltiwanger, and Krizan (2001)********** gen wvar=employment gen pvar=lp /// labour productivity *****firm level egen s_weight=sum(wvar), by(year) gen weight=wvar/s_weight gen product=pvar*weight egen Phi_t=sum(product), by(year) *******Industry level***** egen sj_weight=sum(wvar), by(year isic2) gen weight_j=wvar/sj_weight gen product_j=pvar*weight_j egen Phj_t=sum(product_j), by(year isic2) gen i_stayers=0 replace i_stayers=1 if i_within!=. egen stayers_i= total(i_stayers), by(year isic2) ******Between gen i_between_w=(weight-l1.weight)*(l1.pvar-l1.Phj_t) gen i_between_a=(weight_j-l1.weight_j)*(l1.Phj_t-l1.Phi_t) egen bw= total(i_between_w), by(year) egen ba= total(i_between_a), by(year) gen between= bw + ba ****Covariance gen i_covariance_w=(weight-l1.weight)*[(l1.pvar-Phj_t)-(l1.pvar-l1.Phj_t)] gen i_covariance_a=(weight_j-l1.weight_j)*(Phj_t-l1.Phj_t)*stayers_i egen cw= total(i_covariance_w), by(year) egen ca= total(i_covariance_a), by(year) egen covariance= cw + ca
I have attached the definition of the FHK (2001), for reference. Please help in how i can code it in Stata. My code doesn't seem to add up.