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reghdfe att treat if year==0, vce(robust) noabsorb outreg2 using table_a3, replace dec(3) adjr2 nonotes tex label // Reg 2 reghdfe gender treat ebola treat_ebola if year==0, vce(robust) noabsorb est sto reg2 lincomest treat + treat_ebola mat r= r(table) est restore reg2 estadd local mystat "`= cond(r[4,1]<0.01,"`:di %5.3f `=r[1,1]''***", cond(r[4,1]<0.05,"`:di %5.3f `=r[1,1]''**", cond(r[4,1]<0.1,"`:di %5.3f `=r[1,1]''*", "`:di %5.3f `=r[1,1]''")))'" outreg2 using table_a3, dec(3) nonotes nocons tex append addtext(Attrition for Ebola=1, `e(mystat)') keep(treat treat_ebola) label