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I am not being able to interpret the output of 'mhtexp' command. The following is what I have when I regress the outcome variable m_present on the treatment variable, with there being four different treatment arms. Can someone explain how to interpret each column of this table?
You will increase your chances of a useful answer by following the FAQ on asking questions - provide Stata code in code delimiters, readable Stata output, and sample data using dataex. Also, don't post pictures or files - include text. I couldn't possibly read your results as posted.
mhtexp is user written so help on the list serve depends on someone happening to have used that procedure. You may need to contact the authors.
Answering a bit late but hopefully this can help others.
The column diff_in_means is your coefficient, Remark3_1 your unadjusted p-value, Thm3_1 is the adjusted p-value according to Theorem 3.1 in List et al. (2019), Bonf is the adjusted p-value using the Bonferri correction, Holm is the adjusted p-value using the Holm correction.
I recommend you have a look at List et al. (2019)'s article in Experimental Economics.
On a side note, there is an issue with your regression here since your coefficient column is not populated.