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  • bar chart comparing mean to a constant variable

    Dear Stata Community,

    I am looking to create a bar graph similar to that below. For simplicity, I will pretend my data is that of the example picture. In my survey, I have five variables that for each respondent, I have collected data on the scale from 1 to 100. From my data I have means that are below the national average, explained in the below table:
    Var Mean Nat. Ave
    AP 25 100
    CF 50 100
    CC 35 75
    FF 67 75
    IM 39 50

    In my data set, I have generated variables to represent the national averages
    gen APna=100
    and so forth...

    My goal is to make a bar chart like the one above, where my actual data for each variable is represented as a mean (solid), and its national average is displayed over it as an outline. In my actual data, I do have one variable that whose national average is higher than the mean, so I would need the lines to be in front of the means. I can easily change titles in the graph editor so no need to worry about including titles in the code.

    Thank you in advance!

    StataSE 15 (64bit)
    Windows 10

  • #2
    Here's some technique

    input str2 Var Mean Ave
    AP 25 100
    CF 50 100
    CC 35 75
    FF 67 75
    IM 39 50
    gen id = _n 
    forval i = 1/5 { 
        label define id `i' "`=Var[`i']'", modify 
    label val id id 
    gen where = 10 
    twoway bar Ave id, xla(1/5, valuelabel tlc(none)) blc(red) bfc(none) base(0) barw(0.7)   ///
    || scatter Ave id, ms(none) mla(Ave) mlabc(red) mlabpos(12)  /// 
    || bar Mean id, blc(red) bfc(red*0.1) barw(0.7) base(0)  /// 
    || scatter where id, ms(none) mla(Mean) mlabpos(0) mlabc(black)  ///
    ytitle(enter sensible text) xtitle("") ysc(r(. 105)) yla(0(20)100, ang(h)) legend(order(3 "Actual" 1 "Target"))

    Click image for larger version

Name:	actual_target.png
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ID:	1511860

