Hello everyone,
I'm trying to understand the syntax of xtabond2 for implementing system gmm on my dynamic panel dataset. The variable of interest (Div2) as well all the control variables are lagged (t-1) in the main equation. I have run the following two versions of xtabond 2 and have produced very different results, especially Hansen test statistic.
1. xtabond2 lendgrwth_w l.lendgrwth_w l.Div2_w l.totalcapratio_w l.liquidity_w l.size_w l.fundstruct_w l.profitability_w l.gdpgrowth_w l.npl_w l.allow_w l.repochange, gmm( l.lendgrwth_w l.Div2_w l.totalcapratio_w l.liquidity_w l.size_w l.fundstruct_w l.profitability_w l.gdpgrowth_w l.npl_w l.allow_w l.repochange, lag (5 6) collapse eq(level)) iv (i.year, eq(level)) twostep robust ar(3)
2. xtabond2 lendgrwth_w l.lendgrwth_w l.Div2_w l.totalcapratio_w l.liquidity_w l.size_w l.fundstruct_w l.profitability_w l.gdpgrowth_w l.npl_w l.allow_w l.repochange, gmm( lendgrwth_w Div2_w totalcapratio_w liquidity_w size_w fundstruct_w profitability_w gdpgrowth_w npl_w allow_w repochange, lag (5 6) collapse eq(level)) iv (i.year, eq(level)) twostep robust ar(3)
The obvious difference is that in the first specification I use gmm(l.dependent var l.independent var l.control var) whereas in the second specification I use gmm (dependent var independent var control var). Which of the specification is logically correct, and why?
It would also be great help if someone could explain what does eq(level) and eq (diff) imply for the model specified, and which option should I use?
I'm trying to understand the syntax of xtabond2 for implementing system gmm on my dynamic panel dataset. The variable of interest (Div2) as well all the control variables are lagged (t-1) in the main equation. I have run the following two versions of xtabond 2 and have produced very different results, especially Hansen test statistic.
1. xtabond2 lendgrwth_w l.lendgrwth_w l.Div2_w l.totalcapratio_w l.liquidity_w l.size_w l.fundstruct_w l.profitability_w l.gdpgrowth_w l.npl_w l.allow_w l.repochange, gmm( l.lendgrwth_w l.Div2_w l.totalcapratio_w l.liquidity_w l.size_w l.fundstruct_w l.profitability_w l.gdpgrowth_w l.npl_w l.allow_w l.repochange, lag (5 6) collapse eq(level)) iv (i.year, eq(level)) twostep robust ar(3)
2. xtabond2 lendgrwth_w l.lendgrwth_w l.Div2_w l.totalcapratio_w l.liquidity_w l.size_w l.fundstruct_w l.profitability_w l.gdpgrowth_w l.npl_w l.allow_w l.repochange, gmm( lendgrwth_w Div2_w totalcapratio_w liquidity_w size_w fundstruct_w profitability_w gdpgrowth_w npl_w allow_w repochange, lag (5 6) collapse eq(level)) iv (i.year, eq(level)) twostep robust ar(3)
The obvious difference is that in the first specification I use gmm(l.dependent var l.independent var l.control var) whereas in the second specification I use gmm (dependent var independent var control var). Which of the specification is logically correct, and why?
It would also be great help if someone could explain what does eq(level) and eq (diff) imply for the model specified, and which option should I use?