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  • Comparing coefficients across two models (same X data, but slightly different Ys)

    Hi Stata Forum,

    I am checking if there is a simple way to compare two coefficients from xtreg. Take one model as Y1 = aa + b1X1 + dummies + e1 and the other model as Y2 = a2 + b2X1 + dummies + e2, where the X1 is exactly the same in both models, but the Y1 changes slightly to become Y2. I'd like to do a statistical test of whether b1=b2. This may include saving the coefficients after xtreg and then comparing them using some sort of ttest-like command or perhaps something more complex. Any information is appreciated.


  • #2
    The simplest way to do this is to not use -xtreg-, but rather to emulate it using -regress- and including absorbing your panel variable. Then store the estimates, use -suest- and run a test. So, with no example data and real variable name, I can't give you exact code, but here's the gist of it in pseudo-code:

    regress Y1 X1 other_vars, absorb(panel_var)
    est store Y1
    regress Y2 X1 other_vars, absorb(panel_var)
    est store Y2
    suest Y1 Y2
    test [Y1_mean = Y2_mean]: X1
    That said, you probably shouldn't do this at all. Unless Y1 and Y2 are measured in the same units and have the same distribution (not just the same mean and standard deviation), the results of a test of equal coefficients is uninterpretable: it is impossible to say what is attributable to a difference in the strength of association and what is due to scaling issues. So this is usually a fool's errand. And standardizing Y1 and Y2 does not fully solve the problem, unless it results in identical frequency distributions for the standardized variables.

    Assuming that you actually do have the same distributions for Y1 and Y2, bear in mind also that the American Statistical Association recommends no longer doing null hypothesis significance tests. See So better than the above would be to scrap the -test- command and instead use -lincom [Y1_mean]:X1 - [Y2_mean]:X1- to get an estimate of the coefficient differences along with the uncertainty in that (standard error, confidence interval).


    • #3
      Thanks. I think this will work. I've been using fixed effects. That last bit sounds good using lincom. The purpose of my analysis is to test a methodology that is commonly used. I am seeing whether it is sensitive enough to be able to detect actual changes in Y (which I have built in...thus both Ys are similar).


      • #4
        Originally posted by Clyde Schechter View Post
        The simplest way to do this is to not use -xtreg-, but rather to emulate it using -regress- and including absorbing your panel variable. Then store the estimates, use -suest- and run a test. So, with no example data and real variable name, I can't give you exact code, but here's the gist of it in pseudo-code:

        regress Y1 X1 other_vars, absorb(panel_var)
        est store Y1
        regress Y2 X1 other_vars, absorb(panel_var)
        est store Y2
        suest Y1 Y2
        test [Y1_mean = Y2_mean]: X1
        That said, you probably shouldn't do this at all. Unless Y1 and Y2 are measured in the same units and have the same distribution (not just the same mean and standard deviation), the results of a test of equal coefficients is uninterpretable: it is impossible to say what is attributable to a difference in the strength of association and what is due to scaling issues. So this is usually a fool's errand. And standardizing Y1 and Y2 does not fully solve the problem, unless it results in identical frequency distributions for the standardized variables.

        Assuming that you actually do have the same distributions for Y1 and Y2, bear in mind also that the American Statistical Association recommends no longer doing null hypothesis significance tests. See So better than the above would be to scrap the -test- command and instead use -lincom [Y1_mean]:X1 - [Y2_mean]:X1- to get an estimate of the coefficient differences along with the uncertainty in that (standard error, confidence interval).
        Dear Clyde,

        I tried suest with clustered standard errors and lincom command as suggested by you. But the standard errors from using regress with clustered standard errors are different from the ones that I get from suest. Is there a way to get around this problem?
        Alternatively, I also tried using GMM but given that I have over 1000 panel IDs the command returns the error "could not evaluate equation 1".

        Any suggestions or references in this regard would be very helpful.



        • #5
          I'm not sure what you did, and you don't show any specifics. The best I can tell you is that when you use -suest-, you should not apply clustered standard errors to the original -regress- commands. In fact, if you try to feed regressions with clustered standard errors into -suest- it will reject them. Run the regressions with "ordinary" standard errors, and then specify clustered standard errors in the -suest- command itself.

          If you did that, and are then comparing the results to separately estimating the two regressions with clustered standard errors, then, no, the results will not be the same, and you should not expect them to be. They are different things altogether. -suest- accounts for covariance across equations. By contrast, when you run each regression separately it is, of course, impossible to account for cross model covariance.

          I don't use GMM myself and know very little about it, so I can't advise you on that.


          • #6
            Thank you, Clyde!

            I understand that with a joint estimation as the number of observations are increased the standard errors may be different.
            But shouldn't the standard errors be the same in the following two scenarios:

            Case (1): reg y x, vce(cluster clust_var)

            Case (2): reg y x
            estimates store eq_1
            suest eq_1, vce(cluster clust_var)

            Because even these are different.


            • #7
              Hmm, I'm surprised and I don't know how to explain it.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Nikita Sangwan View Post
                Thank you, Clyde!

                I understand that with a joint estimation as the number of observations are increased the standard errors may be different.
                But shouldn't the standard errors be the same in the following two scenarios:

                Case (1): reg y x, vce(cluster clust_var)

                Case (2): reg y x
                estimates store eq_1
                suest eq_1, vce(cluster clust_var)

                Because even these are different.
                Surely not! Perhaps you are tripped by the fact that suest outputs z-statistics and regress outputs t-statistics. In any case, present a data example illustrating your point.


                • #9
                  Ah yes, Andrew, thank you!


                  • #10
                    Hello, I have a similar question, I have two measures for Y and the same X so I want to compare the coefficients of the two measures for Y to see if the difference between them is significant and also which measure of Y, X has the greatest effect on. So I am looking for a ttest or something. I do not know which command is more appropriate in my case also I am a bit confused regarding the lincom command. I would appreciate your help. Here is a hint of the models I want to run

                    Y1= SIZE + CSR + LEV
                    Y2= SIZE + CSR + LEV

                    Y1 and Y2 are two different measures for a same variable. so I want to see if CSR has more siginifcant effect on Y1 or Y2 and if the difference between the two coefficients is significant.


                    • #11
                      Here is an example of how it is done using the auto.dta file as an example. This particular example is nonsensical, but it shows how you would use the -regress-,-estimates store-, -suest-, and -lincom- commands to accomplish it.

                      sysuse auto, clear
                      regress price mpg headroom trunk
                      estimates store Y1
                      regress displacement mpg headroom trunk
                      estimates store Y2
                      suest Y1 Y2
                      test [Y1_mean = Y2_mean]:headroom
                      That said, be warned that the size of regression coefficients is not a measure of their importance or effectiveness in any real-world sense. Coefficients are strongly influenced by the overall scale of the variables involved, and even when scaled the same, can be influenced by distributions. So be very cautious in interpreting any comparison of regression coefficients. Make sure you first check that the variables in the two regressions are on the same scale and that their distributions are strongly similar.


                      • #12
                        Hi Clyde,

                        Thanks for your reply. I run the test and this the error I have ''Y1 was estimated with a nonstandard vce (robust)''

                        Also, I really want to know if the difference between them is significant or not is there any way to do so?


                        • #13
                          You can't use robust vce in the regressions before you submit them to -suest-. Re-run the regressions without that, and then run -suest Y1 Y2, vce(robust)- and you will have what you are looking for.
                          Also, I really want to know if the difference between them is significant or not is there any way to do so?
                          The output of -lincom- includes a z-test and p-value, though I will spare you my long rant about why I think you should ignore them.


                          • #14
                            I have read a lot Q&A regarding comparing coefficients across groups using suest. I followed a similar approach to show that within a constant reserveprice, the estimated coefficients (which shows the marginal effect of privatevalue on bid) for the different groups of measrisk (categorial variable taking the values of 1, 2 and 3) are not equal. However, what I would like to show is that there is a trend of the estimated coefficients to increase as the level of measrisk increases (similar to what the command nptrend does, but on estimated coefficients). Is there any way to do something like this? A sample of the data set is shown. Any help would be really appreciated.

                            input byte(reserveprice bid privatevalue) float measrisk
                            0 78 96 3
                            0 51 76 1
                            0 1 1 3
                            0 55 56 3
                            0 71 71 1
                            0 11 15 3
                            0 38 44 2
                            0 12 17 1
                            0 20 21 1
                            0 16 36 1
                            0 49 52 3
                            0 28 43 2
                            0 60 65 1
                            0 76 93 2
                            0 65 88 1
                            0 54 71 3
                            0 14 28 1
                            0 57 91 1
                            0 65 71 1
                            0 50 52 1
                            0 60 70 3
                            0 80 86 3
                            0 31 44 1
                            0 25 32 3
                            0 57 71 2
                            0 43 46 1
                            0 58 68 1
                            0 20 23 3
                            0 55 68 1
                            0 48 58 2
                            0 60 80 1
                            0 27 28 2
                            0 5 77 1
                            0 85 95 3
                            0 5 8 1
                            0 40 46 2
                            0 60 69 3
                            0 40 44 1
                            0 25 30 1
                            0 76 96 3
                            0 35 97 3
                            0 49 67 1
                            0 65 80 1
                            0 15 19 3
                            0 27 29 3
                            0 35 71 1
                            0 10 14 2
                            0 65 87 3
                            0 10 15 1
                            0 25 26 3
                            0 3 4 1
                            0 20 47 3
                            0 35 42 2
                            0 23 23 2
                            0 51 56 3
                            0 27 36 1
                            0 49 56 3
                            0 73 98 3
                            0 12 15 3
                            0 30 32 3
                            0 51 71 1
                            0 10 14 1
                            0 15 17 3
                            0 64 72 3
                            0 65 74 1
                            0 36 44 3
                            0 25 54 1
                            0 20 30 3
                            0 16 23 3
                            0 49 65 2
                            0 42 51 3
                            0 20 27 1
                            0 75 83 3
                            0 43 53 1
                            0 3 4 2
                            0 43 55 1
                            0 5 6 1
                            0 57 66 2
                            0 14 26 3
                            0 73 93 1
                            0 52 74 3
                            0 20 48 2
                            0 50 85 2
                            0 7 11 1
                            0 45 59 1
                            0 74 85 1
                            0 51 52 2
                            0 75 88 1
                            0 33 36 2
                            0 50 74 3
                            0 50 98 1
                            0 61 81 3
                            0 30 46 2
                            0 68 91 1
                            0 35 91 2
                            0 57 77 1
                            0 20 34 1
                            0 60 70 1
                            0 21 54 1
                            0 47 98 2
                            label values reserveprice RP
                            label def RP 0 "RP=0", modify
                            label values measrisk measrisk
                            label def measrisk 1 "LRA", modify
                            label def measrisk 2 "MRA", modify
                            label def measrisk 3 "HRA", modify
                            reg bid privatevalue if reserveprice==0 & measrisk==1, noconstant
                            estimates store one
                            reg bid privatevalue if reserveprice==0 & measrisk==2, noconstant
                            estimates store two
                            reg bid privatevalue if reserveprice==0 & measrisk==3, noconstant
                            estimates store three
                            suest one two three
                            test [one_mean]privatevalue=[two_mean]privatevalue
                            test [two_mean]privatevalue=[three_mean]privatevalue, accum
                            Last edited by Koula Lysi; 26 Mar 2022, 06:59.


                            • #15
                              Mize, Doan & Long have an excellent paper entitled A General Framework for Comparing Predictions and Marginal Effects across Models that may be helpful:


                              In this article, the authors provide a general framework for comparing predictions and marginal effects across models using seemingly unrelated estimation to combine estimates from multiple models, which allows tests of the equality of predictions and effects across models. The authors illustrate their method to compare nested models, to compare effects on different dependent or independent variables, to compare results from different samples or groups within one sample, and to assess results from different types of models.
                              I've encouraged Mize to write a Stata routine to make his methods easier to estimate. In the meantime, the code used in the paper is linked to at
                              Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
                              StataNow Version: 18.5 MP (2 processor)

                              EMAIL: [email protected]

