I am using panel data, with firm data where I analyze 13 determinants of ownership by investment funds. I have 15 years of data on approximately 8000 firms. My version of Stata is 14.0 (unfortunately I cannot update since I am using it at my university).
My basic (simplified) regression looks like this:
Now I would like to compare the coefficients of "ESG" from two different regressions, both with another dependent ownership variable, with a chi square test. I have attempted the following:
This code should work for 'normal' regressions, however in my case with panel data I get the error message: "xtreg is not supported by suest" r(322)
Does anybody know of an alternative method or a way around this?
Thanks in advance for any thoughts!
I am using panel data, with firm data where I analyze 13 determinants of ownership by investment funds. I have 15 years of data on approximately 8000 firms. My version of Stata is 14.0 (unfortunately I cannot update since I am using it at my university).
My basic (simplified) regression looks like this:
xtreg Ownership ESG FirmSize SalesGrowth, fe cluster(ID)
xtreg Ownership1 ESG FirmSize SalesGrowth, fe cluster(ID) est store Option1 xtreg Ownership2 ESG FirmSize SalesGrowth, fe cluster(ID) est store Option2 suest Option1 Option2 test ([Option1_mean]_b[ESG ] = [Option2_mean]_b[ESG ])
Does anybody know of an alternative method or a way around this?
Thanks in advance for any thoughts!