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  • Obtaining a forest plot showing the standardised mean differences after teffects ipw and aipw


    I have been trying to produce a forest plot-style of graph to show the mean in the treated and untreated, before and after IPTW/AIPTW. I have

    managed to get tables by using calculated stabilised weights with


    IPTW weights were obtained after a

    logit regression and then applied to

    ) and I can

    obtain a similar table after


    ipw with

    tebalance summarize.

    I looked up all the documentation for in the

    te manual and looked around for code, but I cannot seem to find any program that allows me to produce a forest plot like the one in attachment.
    Unfortunately, the paper that features this plot did not publish the code too.

    Thanks as always for your help.
    - Gaby
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2019-07-09 02.43.40.png
Views:	1
Size:	150.2 KB
ID:	1506649

    Last edited by Gaby Kassler; 08 Jul 2019, 12:41.
    Stata BE ver 17
    MacOS Ventura

  • #2
    Apologies for the text - I seem to have trouble formatting it.
    Stata BE ver 17
    MacOS Ventura


    • #3
      The figure in #1 is just a simple twoway scatter plot with 2 groups. As long as you have the points (represented by the markers), it should be straightforward to reproduce. I do not know much about what output you get from teffects ipw/ aiptw.


      • #4
        Thanks Andrew for pointing me in the right direction - I saw the same outputs in R and thought that the plot in my post might be something akin to a coefplot.
        Stata BE ver 17
        MacOS Ventura


        • #5
          Gaby Kassler this might be too late, but I came across this post while trying to figure out how to configure my pre- and post-ipw weighting forest plot. I think the pbalchk command has a graph option that produces this exact same graph in your attachment, Gaby.


          • #6
            Hi Adam Alhassan yes, that was a while ago and I used scatter I think. I had also installed that command but did not notice the graph option. Thanks for the tip!
            Stata BE ver 17
            MacOS Ventura

