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  • #31
    Also with regard to #18, you can now accomplish this by putting the two sets in different frames, -frlink- them (because -frlink- allows different names for the linkage, and then use -frget- to build up the combined data set.


    • #32
      I didn't mention this previously, but I think adding a file watcher to the project manager would be a nice addition. Basically instead of having to add every subdirectory in a project or add all the individual files, the project manager file could either watch for new directories/files in the same location where it is located or would watch for new files in directories that were added to the project. It would save a bit of time when the projects being worked on contain a lot of files or when lots of files are generated as output.


      • #33
        Clyde Schechter
        I had no idea about that and will definitely need to spend a bit more time checking out the frames functionality.


        • #34
          Originally posted by wbuchanan View Post
          Clyde Schechter
          I had no idea about that and will definitely need to spend a bit more time checking out the frames functionality.
          I recommend looking at frames to all users of the new release.

          Capabilities like this are what I was alluding to at the end of #24.


          • #35
            Yes, from my perspective, the most important new feature of version 16 is frames. For me, that alone is worth the price of the upgrade. I will be using them extensively; in fact, I already am.


            • #36
              As mentioned in this thread, add variable autocompletion to dialog boxes. That is, type a few letters of a variable, and then the drop down list only shows variables that match.
              For cases where several variables can be entered (dependent variables in a regression for instance), maybe do it like in the command line: if the cursor is on a space show the full list, instead filter.

              It would also be nice to update the drop down list as one types, but this is maybe more difficult to implement.


              • #37
                A command for comparing Pearson or Spearman independent or dependent correlations, with or without replication would be nice.





                • #38
                  Amending Putexcel, to allow it to use a number, in place of a letter for an Excel column.
                  This can currently be achieved using the ado Excelcol.
                  But it seems that including this feature within Putexcel would make sense.




                  • #39
                    Imagine a two-way ANOVA model with factors A, B and their interaction. It appears that the best/easiest way to get Type II SS for this model is to do the following:

                    anova B A A#B, sequential // For A, use SS, MS and F from this model
                    anova A B A#B, sequential // For B, use SS, MS and F from this model
                    SS(AxB) and SS(error) can be taken from either model.

                    Compared to other stats packages where one can specify Type I, II, III or IV, this seems very clunky. I would like to see options for Type II and Type IV SS added to -anova-. (Personally, for consistency with other packages and resources, I would like to see the Type I, II, III and IV labels used too rather than partial, sequential etc.. I understand that others may take a different view.)

                    Some relevant discussions:
                    Bruce Weaver
                    Email: [email protected]
                    Version: Stata/MP 18.5 (Windows)


                    • #40
                      The new popped up thread reminds me of a longlasting wish. Stata should give users choice to dock Command Window in main interface or dock Dofile Editor in main interface. Users like me may want to see program results immediately in Result Window.


                      • #41
                        I'd really like markdown on do-files -- would be super helpful to keep code organized. I'd also love bidirectional linking -- for instance, if I change the name of a file somewhere, it changes everywhere I've referenced it automatically.


                        • #42
                          Mansi Jain
                          It might be useful to distinguish between what you would like StataCorp to implement and existing capabilities.


                          • #43
                            if I change the name of a file somewhere, it changes everywhere I've referenced it automatically
                            I really don't want that. Really, really, really not. But no matter: if you want that, put the filename in a global macro. That's what they are for.

                            Am I misunderstanding?


                            • #44
                              I am not sure how much attention this thread gets from officials, but I have a few thoughts which would make life much easier, especially if one works on parallelising commands in Stata:
                              1. Extend the functions of frames: I really love frames, they are fast and efficient and I can do a lot with them. However what I find frustrating is that there are a few functions missing. I would wish for an easy append, merge and save function. It would also be helpful to be able to save all frames at the same time (see next).
                              2. A function to save multiple frames in one file. In a sense mata mata matsave is the equivalent in mata. I know that frames are somewhat datasets, but I think you can think of them as matrices as well (like in other programs).
                              3. Many commands come with a "saving()" function (eg: simulate, bootstrap, jackknife, permutate) but they can only save a new dataset. They cannot append the dataset or save (or append) to a frame.
                              4. A function to save an entire Stata environment. With environment I mean macros, scalars, matrices (Stata and mata), Stata and mata functions, locals (?), frames and programs, etc. With saving I mean to clone a Stata "state" which can be picked up by another Stata instance. The background of this wish is that I am working on a parallel version of simulate (yes, another one....) and most of the code is trying to save some of the Stata environment.
                              All of the functions above can be easily written. In particular for step 1 there are already solutions available. I am working on some of the function in 2 and 3, but they are slow, error prone and require lots of coding and time. On the other hand, if someone from outside Stata can do it, it should be easy for Stata Corp. to work on those functions (I think and hope).


                              • #45
                                It might be desirable to extend xtreg to include multiple fixed effects. I know a user written procedure exists for this, but it seems like something that should be included in the base.

                                Also, see

                                It appears Stata does some of the prep work before applying the if or in condition so some things can take a long time to run.

                                Many of us are using a wide variety of user written procedures to write to word or excel. To me, the Stata provided procedures to do this look very complex. I wonder if a simpler option might be presented in the documentation.

