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  • For post #209, on a Mac, PgUp and PgDn are fn+uparrow and fn+downarrow, and they serve the function of stepping through the commands one at a time. Not sure why that couldn't have been just uparrow and downarrow, though.
    Last edited by William Lisowski; 07 May 2020, 15:08.


    • For #209-#211, The PgUp/PgDn isn't much harder to use than up/down arrow, the problem is that the up/down arrow are fairly universal for scrolling through commands in other interfaces (e.g. most unix/linux command lines). So it's more of a muscle memory thing.

      Another nice feature those interfaces have is that you can filter results by typing in a few letters. E.g. in bash I might type "grep" and then the back arrow will take me only to prior commands that begin with "grep". A feature similar to that would be very nice in Stata. (Or just make it easier to use Jupyter with Stata, which solves the problem.)


      • twoway function is very useful. Could v17 developers consider a modification with an option to plot the function over a discrete set or lattice of x-values with the same marker options as twoway scatter?

        As it stands, using
        twoway function ..., recast(scatter)
        along with appropriate range() and n() can accomplish this. For example
        twoway function y=x^2, ra(0 10) n(11) recast(scatter) msym(o) msize(*2)
        But it would be easier if the command could accommodate directly something like this.


        • A module to compute CGE models would be nice, Although I'm not sure if it can be done with the current DSGE models.


          • At


            the author discusses the need for a procedure to change, from within Stata, the TMPDIR location as reported by c(tmpdir), as a consequence of data protection/privacy concerns.


            • Accidental duplicate, deleted. Apologies.


              • It would be helpful if the length of strings were unlimited, so that one could work better with texts. As far as I know, the length of strings is currently limited to 244 characters without any possibility to remove this limitation (


                • Originally posted by Marvin Hanisch View Post
                  As far as I know, the length of strings is currently limited to 244 characters without any possibility to remove this limitation
                  This information is outdated for almost 7 years. Since version 13, string variables can hold 2 billion characters.


                  • Marvin Hanisch - The 2012 Statalist post you link to is sadly outdated. The output of the help strings command gives up-to-date information on the maximum length of strings for the version of Stata you are using. Since Stata Release 13 from June 2013, the following has been true.

                    Stata provides two types of strings: str#s and strLs. str#s are fixed-length string storage types. A str36 string can hold 36 characters. Stata allows str1, str2, str3, ..., str2045. strLs are Stata's long strings, which can be up to 2-billion characters long. strLs can hold binary strings, whereas str#s can only hold text characters. See [U] 12.4.7 str1--str2045 and str and [U] 12.4.8 strL for more information.


                    • -Better graphs like R and Matlab, for n dimensions space

                      -Toolboxes and custom packages integration.

                      Stata is fine but not when it comes to code programming and custom packages.


                      • Mario Ferri : What you do miss with regards to code programming and custom packages? It is not clear in which areas you want to see improvements or what exact feature you are missing.


                        • A tiny request (Mac OS): Could the do-file editor's toolbar be customizable to have a "Replace" button in addition to the "Find" button? To do find-and-replace now requires two clicks.


                          • I wish the search command listed Stata Journal files last, after ssc files had been searched. An early version of my gologit2 program appeared in SJ. People still sometimes download it, and then I get these questions about problems that were fixed several years ago. I could send updates to SJ but it is much easier to just worry about the SSC version being up to date.
                            Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
                            StataNow Version: 18.5 MP (2 processor)

                            EMAIL: [email protected]


                            • Regarding #223, perhaps an ssc option could be added to search? E.g.,

                              search gologit2, sj
                              search gologit2, net
                              search gologit2, ssc
                              At the moment, only the first two of those work.
                              Bruce Weaver
                              Email: [email protected]
                              Version: Stata/MP 18.5 (Windows)


                              • Bruce Weaver anybody who knew enough to do what you were suggesting would also know that the first match often isn’t the best match. My personal experience is that, when there are multiple matches, the ssc match is usually the best. People who don’t know that, though, may just go with the first thing they see, which is SJ. Therefore I think the default behavior should be ssc first. All results would still show but in a different order.
                                Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
                                StataNow Version: 18.5 MP (2 processor)

                                EMAIL: [email protected]

