#44 The introduction of meta-analysis in official Stata is not competition, but rather signals a firm long-term commitment by the company to the field, which thus includes technical support. The acknowledgments on pp.44-45 of https://www.stata.com/manuals/meta.pdf show how this introduction builds on a great deal of community-contributed work over more than 20 years. What those acknowledgments don't spell out, and no blame attaches, is that user-programmer support and maintenance for even the most important community-contributed commands has sometimes been a little uncertain, given personal changes of various kinds, including death (alas), retirement, moving to other fields, being too busy, and so on and so forth. Positively, there is also a long history of programmers handing on the baton to others. Naturally users can continue with whatever commands they want to employ.
This is a personal interpretation, and not advertising copy!
This is a personal interpretation, and not advertising copy!