I have a question about SEM and would like to learn some solutions.
Suppose I use three indicators to measure one's concern about the environment (x1 x2 x3).
Then I will have three individual level predictors (income education age) and two country level predictors (GDP CO2).
I have run the following model
gsem (Concern -> x1 x2 x3) (Concern <- income education age M1[GDP] M2[CO2])
However, Stata does not run and said
"invalid path specification; Concern may not be the destination of a path from M1[GDP]"
How may I revise the code and fix the problem?
Suppose I use three indicators to measure one's concern about the environment (x1 x2 x3).
Then I will have three individual level predictors (income education age) and two country level predictors (GDP CO2).
I have run the following model
gsem (Concern -> x1 x2 x3) (Concern <- income education age M1[GDP] M2[CO2])
However, Stata does not run and said
"invalid path specification; Concern may not be the destination of a path from M1[GDP]"
How may I revise the code and fix the problem?