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I am wondering, is it possible to compare the median of continuous variable (V1-slope) at 2 different points of V2 (compare median of slope at 8 and 10)? And what kind of statistical test can be applied for this analysis?
Well, looking closely at your scatter plot, there are only a very few points with baseline viral load = 8 or = 10 exactly. So I doubt that doing this would be fruitful. But if you wanted to compare median slope with viral load close to 8 compared to viral load close to 10, where "close" is defined liberally enough to leave you with a decent number of data points, that might work out.
So you might try
gen byte bv_approx = 8 if inrange(baseline_viral_load, 7.5, 8.5)
replace bv_approx = 10 if inrange(baseline_viral_load, 9.5, 10.5)
tabstat slope, by(bv_approx) statistics(p50)
median slope, by(bv_approx)
Read -help median- for more information about the test of equality of medians.
where: FV_index is an index of financial vulnerability and i.CQFIN are quintiles of financial inclusion index
After estimating the model, i have attempted to run the slope equality test for the quintiles of financial inclusion index (CQFIN) but it giving me an error.