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  • blau index

    Dear all,
    Can anyone assist me on how to calculate nationality diversity on stata? I am working on data set which looks as follows: (Manager Nationality means total number of nationalities in top management and TMT size means total number of managers at top management)
    Manager TMT size
    Company Year Nationality
    TBL 2007 3 19
    TBL 2008 4 19
    TBL 2009 4 21
    TBL 2010 3 17
    TBL 2011 4 18
    TBL 2012 4 16
    TBL 2013 3 16
    TBL 2014 3 16
    TBL 2015 5 17
    TBL 2016 5 20
    TBL 2017 5 15
    TCC 2007 4 10
    TCC 2008 4 8
    TCC 2009 4 7
    TCC 2010 4 8
    TCC 2011 6 10
    TCC 2012 6 8
    TCC 2013 6 9
    TCC 2014 7 9
    TCC 2015 4 6
    TCC 2016 4 6
    TCC 2017 5 7
    TTP 2009 2 5
    TTP 2010 2 6
    TTP 2011 2 6
    TTP 2012 2 7
    TTP 2013 2 6
    TTP 2014 2 6
    TTP 2015 2 6
    TTP 2016 2 6
    TTP 2017 2 6

  • #2
    Hi Julian, welcome to Statalist!

    So, I don't think you can calculate the Blau Index with the data you are showing. For example, for TBL, you indicate that there were 3 nationalities among the 19 members of their top management team (TMT). However, you are going to need the number (or percentage of managers) that are each nationality to calculate the Blau Index.

    Also note, the Blau Index (or a variation on it) is known by a number of different names depending on the particular field (I would think of the Blau Index = 1 - the Herfindahl–Hirschman index (HHI)
    Originally posted by Emad Shehata View Post

    Simpson index (SI) in ecology
    = Herfindahl index (HI) in economics
    = Herfindahl–Hirschman index (HHI) in economics
    = Hunter–Gaston index ( HGI) in microbiology

    Gibbs–Martin index (GMI) of sociology, psychology and management
    = Blau index (BI)
    = Gini–Simpson index (GSI)

    Blau index = 1 - Simpson index
    For examples of calculating it in Stata, so Statalist entries here, here, here, and here
    There are also several modules for calculating this in Stata (ssc install divcat, ssc install ineq)

    But, using your data, here's what it might look like:

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input str3 firm int year byte(nat_count total nat1 nat2 nat3 nat4 nat5 nat6)
    "TBL" 2007 3 19 16 2 1 . . .
    "TBL" 2008 4 19 16 2 1 1 . .
    "TBL" 2009 4 21 17 3 1 1 . .
    "TBL" 2010 3 17 14 2 1 . . .
    "TCC" 2007 4 10  6 2 1 . 1 .
    "TCC" 2008 4  8  4 2 1 . 1 .
    "TCC" 2009 4  7  3 2 1 1 . .
    "TCC" 2010 4  8  2 2 2 2 . .
    "TCC" 2011 6 10  1 2 2 2 2 1
    . list, sepby(firm) noobs
      | firm   year   nat_co~t   total   nat1   nat2   nat3   nat4   nat5   nat6 |
      |  TBL   2007          3      19     16      2      1      .      .      . |
      |  TBL   2008          4      19     16      2      1      1      .      . |
      |  TBL   2009          4      21     17      3      1      1      .      . |
      |  TBL   2010          3      17     14      2      1      .      .      . |
      |  TCC   2007          4      10      6      2      1      .      1      . |
      |  TCC   2008          4       8      4      2      1      .      1      . |
      |  TCC   2009          4       7      3      2      1      1      .      . |
      |  TCC   2010          4       8      2      2      2      2      .      . |
      |  TCC   2011          6      10      1      2      2      2      2      1 |
    * Creating the proportions of each nationality squared
    forvalues i = 1/6 {
    gen p`i' = (nat`i' / total )^2
    egen sum_squares = rowtotal(p1-p6)  // sum of squared percentages, (HHI)
    gen blau = 1 - sum_squares  // creating the blau index
    . list firm year p1- p6 sum_squares blau, sepby(firm) noobs
      | firm   year         p1         p2         p3         p4        p5    p6   sum_sq~s       blau |
      |  TBL   2007   .7091413   .0110803   .0027701          .         .     .   .7229916   .2770084 |
      |  TBL   2008   .7091413   .0110803   .0027701   .0027701         .     .   .7257617   .2742383 |
      |  TBL   2009   .6553288   .0204082   .0022676   .0022676         .     .   .6802722   .3197278 |
      |  TBL   2010   .6782007   .0138408   .0034602          .         .     .   .6955018   .3044982 |
      |  TCC   2007        .36        .04        .01          .       .01     .        .42        .58 |
      |  TCC   2008        .25      .0625    .015625          .   .015625     .     .34375     .65625 |
      |  TCC   2009   .1836735   .0816327   .0204082   .0204082         .     .   .3061224   .6938776 |
      |  TCC   2010      .0625      .0625      .0625      .0625         .     .        .25        .75 |
      |  TCC   2011        .01        .04        .04        .04       .04   .01        .18        .82 |
    Last edited by David Benson; 27 Apr 2019, 21:36.


    • #3
      Thanks very Much Prof. David Benson for your help.


      • #4
        Greetings all,

        Once again thanks very much Professor David Benson for your help. I have installed: ssc install dataex, but using the codes given ( input str3 firm int year byte(nat_count total nat1 nat2 nat3 nat4 nat5 nat6) ) i cannot arrived at the same results as yours i.e i cannot generate nat1 nat 2 nat 3 etc. Please assist me further


        • #5
          There are evidently some small errors in the example in #2 as in two observations the count is inconsistent with the individual frequencies.

          Here I used entropyetc (SSC). with the individual frequencies.

          * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
          input str3 firm int year byte(nat_count total nat1 nat2 nat3 nat4 nat5 nat6)
          "TBL" 2007 3 19 16 2 1 . . .
          "TBL" 2008 4 19 16 2 1 1 . .
          "TBL" 2009 4 21 17 3 1 1 . .
          "TBL" 2010 3 17 14 2 1 . . .
          "TCC" 2007 4 10  6 2 1 . 1 .
          "TCC" 2008 4  8  4 2 1 . 1 .
          "TCC" 2009 4  7  3 2 1 1 . .
          "TCC" 2010 4  8  2 2 2 2 . .
          "TCC" 2011 6 10  1 2 2 2 2 1
          rename nat_count count 
          reshape long nat, i(firm year) j(which) 
          drop if nat == . 
          entropyetc which [fw=nat], by(firm year) gen(3=Blau) 
              Group |  Shannon H      exp(H)     Simpson   1/Simpson     dissim.
           TBL 2007 |      0.537       1.710       0.723       1.383       0.675
           TBL 2008 |      0.708       2.031       0.655       1.527       0.633
           TBL 2009 |      0.752       2.121       0.620       1.613       0.606
           TBL 2010 |      0.578       1.783       0.696       1.438       0.657
           TCC 2007 |      1.089       2.971       0.420       2.381       0.467
           TCC 2008 |      1.213       3.364       0.344       2.909       0.417
           TCC 2009 |      1.277       3.586       0.306       3.267       0.381
           TCC 2010 |      1.386       4.000       0.250       4.000       0.333
           TCC 2011 |      1.748       5.743       0.180       5.556       0.133
          replace Blau = 1 - Blau 
          tabdisp firm year, c(Blau) format(%4.3f) 
                    |               year               
               firm |  2007   2008   2009   2010   2011
                TBL | 0.277  0.345  0.380  0.304       
                TCC | 0.580  0.656  0.694  0.750  0.820


          • #6
            Greetings all,

            Once again thanks very much Professor David Benson for your help. I have installed: ssc install dataex, but using the codes given ( input str3 firm int year byte(nat_count total nat1 nat2 nat3 nat4 nat5 nat6) ) i cannot arrived at the same results as yours i.e i cannot generate nat1 nat 2 nat 3 etc. Please assist me further on this step


            • #7
              #4 and #6 are identical but more crucially I don't understand either. If you can input the toy data of David Benson then there is no need to generate nat1 and so forth as they are already variables in the data.


              • #8
                Thanks very much Professor Nick Cox. The problem I am facing is that i can not get this clear in my full data-set especially the procedure just after installing the 'ssc install dataex'. Here is my full data-set I am working with. please assist me accordingly
                nationality = number of nationality counts on TMT size
                TMT size = total number of top managers
                Company Year Nationality TMT Size
                SCOM 2008 3.00 8.00
                SCOM 2009 3.00 13.00
                SCOM 2010 3.00 11.00
                SCOM 2011 3.00 12.00
                SCOM 2012 3.00 11.00
                SCOM 2013 3.00 11.00
                SCOM 2014 3.00 13.00
                SCOM 2015 3.00 13.00
                SCOM 2016 3.00 12.00
                SCOM 2017 3.00 12.00
                KEN 2008 6.00 7.00
                KEN 2009 6.00 7.00
                KEN 2010 5.00 6.00
                KEN 2011 5.00 7.00
                KEN 2012 5.00 7.00
                KEN 2013 4.00 6.00
                KEN 2014 4.00 6.00
                KEN 2015 4.00 6.00
                KEN 2016 2.00 4.00
                KEN 2017 3.00 5.00
                KPLC 2008 1.00 11.00
                KPLC 2009 1.00 11.00
                KPLC 2010 1.00 10.00
                KPLC 2011 1.00 11.00
                KPLC 2012 1.00 10.00
                KPLC 2013 1.00 11.00
                KPLC 2014 1.00 10.00
                KPLC 2015 1.00 10.00
                KPLC 2016 2.00 12.00
                KPLC 2017 1.00 10.00
                TOTL 2008 3.00 8.00
                TOTL 2009 3.00 8.00
                TOTL 2010 2.00 8.00
                TOTL 2011 2.00 8.00
                TOTL 2012 2.00 10.00
                TOTL 2013 4.00 11.00
                TOTL 2014 4.00 7.00
                TOTL 2015 5.00 10.00
                TOTL 2016 5.00 10.00
                TOTL 2017 3.00 10.00
                KQ 2008 3.00 11.00
                KQ 2009 2.00 12.00
                KQ 2010 2.00 11.00
                KQ 2011 2.00 12.00
                KQ 2012 2.00 12.00
                KQ 2013 2.00 12.00
                KQ 2014 2.00 13.00
                KQ 2015 2.00 13.00
                KQ 2016 2.00 13.00
                KQ 2017 2.00 13.00
                EABL 2008 4.00 13.00
                EABL 2009 4.00 13.00
                EABL 2010 5.00 12.00
                EABL 2011 6.00 13.00
                EABL 2012 7.00 15.00
                EABL 2013 7.00 14.00
                EABL 2014 6.00 14.00
                EABL 2015 6.00 11.00
                EABL 2016 6.00 11.00
                EABL 2017 6.00 12.00
                KCB 2008 1.00 11.00
                KCB 2009 1.00 10.00
                KCB 2010 1.00 12.00
                KCB 2011 1.00 11.00
                KCB 2012 1.00 11.00
                KCB 2013 2.00 12.00
                KCB 2014 1.00 11.00
                KCB 2015 2.00 12.00
                KCB 2016 2.00 18.00
                KCB 2017 2.00 19.00
                EQTY 2008 2.00 13.00
                EQTY 2009 2.00 13.00
                EQTY 2010 3.00 11.00
                EQTY 2011 4.00 13.00
                EQTY 2012 3.00 13.00
                EQTY 2013 4.00 13.00
                EQTY 2014 2.00 12.00
                EQTY 2015 3.00 10.00
                EQTY 2016 3.00 9.00
                EQTY 2017 3.00 8.00
                COOP 2008 1.00 18.00
                COOP 2009 1.00 19.00
                COOP 2010 1.00 20.00
                COOP 2011 1.00 19.00
                COOP 2012 1.00 19.00
                COOP 2013 1.00 23.00
                COOP 2014 1.00 22.00
                COOP 2015 1.00 20.00
                COOP 2016 1.00 20.00
                COOP 2017 1.00 18.00
                BAMB 2008 3.00 13.00
                BAMB 2009 4.00 13.00
                BAMB 2010 4.00 10.00
                BAMB 2011 4.00 12.00
                BAMB 2012 5.00 13.00
                BAMB 2013 6.00 13.00
                BAMB 2014 5.00 12.00
                BAMB 2015 4.00 10.00
                BAMB 2016 5.00 10.00
                BAMB 2017 5.00 10.00
                BBK 2008 2.00 10.00
                BBK 2009 2.00 10.00
                BBK 2010 1.00 9.00
                BBK 2011 2.00 10.00
                BBK 2012 2.00 10.00
                BBK 2013 3.00 8.00
                BBK 2014 4.00 11.00
                BBK 2015 3.00 9.00
                BBK 2016 3.00 9.00
                BBK 2017 3.00 9.00
                SCBK 2008 4.00 14.00
                SCBK 2009 4.00 13.00
                SCBK 2010 3.00 10.00
                SCBK 2011 4.00 12.00
                SCBK 2012 4.00 10.00
                SCBK 2013 4.00 10.00
                SCBK 2014 4.00 10.00
                SCBK 2015 4.00 9.00
                SCBK 2016 6.00 13.00
                SCBK 2017 5.00 12.00
                DTK 2008 4.00 9.00
                DTK 2009 6.00 13.00
                DTK 2010 5.00 12.00
                DTK 2011 5.00 10.00
                DTK 2012 5.00 11.00
                DTK 2013 3.00 10.00
                DTK 2014 4.00 11.00
                DTK 2015 4.00 11.00
                DTK 2016 4.00 13.00
                DTK 2017 4.00 12.00
                IM 2008
                IM 2009
                IM 2010 4.00 10.00
                IM 2011 4.00 9.00
                IM 2012 4.00 9.00
                IM 2013 4.00 9.00
                IM 2014 3.00 6.00
                IM 2015 2.00 9.00
                IM 2016 3.00 8.00
                IM 2017 2.00 7.00
                BRIT 2008 3.00 6.00
                BRIT 2009 3.00 6.00
                BRIT 2010 3.00 7.00
                BRIT 2011 3.00 9.00
                BRIT 2012 3.00 9.00
                BRIT 2013 4.00 11.00
                BRIT 2014 2.00 9.00
                BRIT 2015 2.00 9.00
                BRIT 2016 2.00 8.00
                BRIT 2017 3.00 9.00
                JUB 2008 5.00 9.00
                JUB 2009 5.00 9.00
                JUB 2010 5.00 9.00
                JUB 2011 5.00 9.00
                JUB 2012 5.00 9.00
                JUB 2013 5.00 8.00
                JUB 2014 5.00 10.00
                JUB 2015 5.00 10.00
                JUB 2016 5.00 10.00
                JUB 2017 5.00 10.00
                CFC 2008 4.00 10.00
                CFC 2009 3.00 7.00
                CFC 2010 3.00 10.00
                CFC 2011 3.00 10.00
                CFC 2012 4.00 10.00
                CFC 2013 4.00 11.00
                CFC 2014 4.00 12.00
                CFC 2015 4.00 11.00
                CFC 2016 3.00 10.00
                CFC 2017 3.00 10.00
                BATK 2008 2.00 12.00
                BATK 2009 3.00 11.00
                BATK 2010 3.00 10.00
                BATK 2011 3.00 10.00
                BATK 2012 3.00 10.00
                BATK 2013 2.00 8.00
                BATK 2014 3.00 8.00
                BATK 2015 3.00 10.00
                BATK 2016 3.00 10.00
                BATK 2017 3.00 10.00
                UNGA 2008 2.00 8.00
                UNGA 2009 2.00 8.00
                UNGA 2010 2.00 8.00
                UNGA 2011 2.00 8.00
                UNGA 2012 2.00 6.00
                UNGA 2013 2.00 8.00
                UNGA 2014 2.00 8.00
                UNGA 2015 2.00 9.00
                UNGA 2016 2.00 9.00
                UNGA 2017 2.00 9.00
                NICB 2008 2.00 9.00
                NICB 2009 2.00 9.00
                NICB 2010 2.00 9.00
                NICB 2011 2.00 11.00
                NICB 2012 2.00 10.00
                NICB 2013 2.00 11.00
                NICB 2014 2.00 12.00
                NICB 2015 2.00 12.00
                NICB 2016 2.00 11.00
                NICB 2017 2.00 11.00
                CIC 2008 1.00 12.00
                CIC 2009 1.00 12.00
                CIC 2010 1.00 14.00
                CIC 2011 1.00 14.00
                CIC 2012 1.00 12.00
                CIC 2013 1.00 13.00
                CIC 2014 1.00 13.00
                CIC 2015 1.00 12.00
                CIC 2016 1.00 12.00
                CIC 2017 1.00 12.00
                KNRE 2008 1.00 9.00
                KNRE 2009 1.00 11.00
                KNRE 2010 1.00 11.00
                KNRE 2011 1.00 11.00
                KNRE 2012 1.00 12.00
                KNRE 2013 1.00 11.00
                KNRE 2014 1.00 11.00
                KNRE 2015 1.00 13.00
                KNRE 2016 1.00 12.00
                KNRE 2017 1.00 13.00
                WPP 2008 3.00 7.00
                WPP 2009 3.00 7.00
                WPP 2010 4.00 8.00
                WPP 2011 3.00 7.00
                WPP 2012 3.00 7.00
                WPP 2013 3.00 7.00
                WPP 2014 2.00 6.00
                WPP 2015 2.00 7.00
                WPP 2016 2.00 7.00
                WPP 2017 2.00 8.00
                ICDC 2008 2.00 9.00
                ICDC 2009 2.00 9.00
                ICDC 2010 2.00 9.00
                ICDC 2011 2.00 9.00
                ICDC 2012 2.00 9.00
                ICDC 2013 2.00 9.00
                ICDC 2014 2.00 9.00
                ICDC 2015 2.00 9.00
                ICDC 2016 3.00 9.00
                ICDC 2017 3.00 11.00
                NMG 2008 7.00 14.00
                NMG 2009 8.00 14.00
                NMG 2010 8.00 14.00
                NMG 2011 8.00 16.00
                NMG 2012 8.00 16.00
                NMG 2013 8.00 15.00
                NMG 2014 8.00 16.00
                NMG 2015 8.00 16.00
                NMG 2016 8.00 14.00
                NMG 2017 7.00 17.00
                CG 2008 2.00 9.00
                CG 2009 3.00 8.00
                CG 2010 3.00 8.00
                CG 2011 3.00 7.00
                CG 2012 3.00 7.00
                CG 2013 3.00 7.00
                CG 2014 3.00 7.00
                CG 2015 3.00 7.00
                CG 2016 3.00 7.00
                CG 2017 2.00 7.00
                ARM 2008 3.00 7.00
                ARM 2009 3.00 10.00
                ARM 2010 4.00 7.00
                ARM 2011 3.00 9.00
                ARM 2012 3.00 9.00
                ARM 2013 3.00 9.00
                ARM 2014 5.00 9.00
                ARM 2015 5.00 8.00
                ARM 2016 6.00 9.00
                ARM 2017 6.00 9.00
                NBK 2008 1.00 13.00
                NBK 2009 1.00 12.00
                NBK 2010 1.00 12.00
                NBK 2011 1.00 12.00
                NBK 2012 1.00 12.00
                NBK 2013 1.00 10.00
                NBK 2014 1.00 9.00
                NBK 2015 1.00 9.00
                NBK 2016 1.00 11.00
                NBK 2017 1.00 11.00
                BERG 2008 2.00 7.00
                BERG 2009 2.00 5.00
                BERG 2010 2.00 5.00
                BERG 2011 2.00 5.00
                BERG 2012 2.00 5.00
                BERG 2013 2.00 5.00
                BERG 2014 2.00 6.00
                BERG 2015 2.00 10.00
                BERG 2016 2.00 8.00
                BERG 2017 2.00 5.00
                TPSE 2008 5.00 13.00
                TPSE 2009 6.00 14.00
                TPSE 2010 5.00 14.00
                TPSE 2011 4.00 14.00
                TPSE 2012 4.00 12.00
                TPSE 2013 4.00 13.00
                TPSE 2014 4.00 13.00
                TPSE 2015 3.00 13.00
                TPSE 2016 3.00 11.00
                TPSE 2017 4.00 12.00
                TCL 2008
                TCL 2009 1.00 9.00
                TCL 2010 1.00 8.00
                TCL 2011 1.00 8.00
                TCL 2012 1.00 8.00
                TCL 2013 1.00 8.00
                TCL 2014 1.00 8.00
                TCL 2015 1.00 10.00
                TCL 2016 1.00 11.00
                TCL 2017 2.00 8.00
                PAFR 2008 3.00 7.00
                PAFR 2009 3.00 9.00
                PAFR 2010 3.00 9.00
                PAFR 2011 3.00 9.00
                PAFR 2012 3.00 9.00
                PAFR 2013 3.00 9.00
                PAFR 2014 3.00 9.00
                PAFR 2015 3.00 9.00
                PAFR 2016 3.00 9.00
                PAFR 2017 3.00 8.00
                REA 2008 2.00 6.00
                REA 2009 2.00 5.00
                REA 2010 2.00 5.00
                REA 2011 2.00 5.00
                REA 2012 2.00 5.00
                REA 2013 2.00 5.00
                REA 2014 2.00 5.00
                REA 2015 2.00 5.00
                REA 2016 2.00 5.00
                REA 2017 2.00 5.00
                SASN 2008 2.00 9.00
                SASN 2009 2.00 9.00
                SASN 2010 2.00 9.00
                SASN 2011 2.00 9.00
                SASN 2012 2.00 10.00
                SASN 2013 2.00 8.00
                SASN 2014 2.00 10.00
                SASN 2015 1.00 8.00
                SASN 2016 1.00 9.00
                SASN 2017 1.00 10.00
                HFCK 2008 3.00 11.00
                HFCK 2009 3.00 11.00
                HFCK 2010 2.00 10.00
                HFCK 2011 2.00 7.00
                HFCK 2012 2.00 8.00
                HFCK 2013 2.00 8.00
                HFCK 2014 2.00 8.00
                HFCK 2015 2.00 10.00
                HFCK 2016 1.00 9.00
                HFCK 2017 1.00 9.00
                KUKZ 2008 2.00 6.00
                KUKZ 2009 2.00 7.00
                KUKZ 2010 2.00 6.00
                KUKZ 2011 2.00 6.00
                KUKZ 2012 2.00 9.00
                KUKZ 2013 2.00 8.00
                KUKZ 2014 2.00 8.00
                KUKZ 2015 2.00 8.00
                KUKZ 2016 2.00 8.00
                KUKZ 2017 2.00 8.00
                FIRE 2008 1.00 7.00
                FIRE 2009 1.00 7.00
                FIRE 2010 2.00 7.00
                FIRE 2011 2.00 7.00
                FIRE 2012 3.00 7.00
                FIRE 2013 2.00 7.00
                FIRE 2014 2.00 6.00
                FIRE 2015 2.00 6.00
                FIRE 2016 2.00 6.00
                FIRE 2017 3.00 8.00
                FTGH 2008
                FTGH 2009
                FTGH 2010
                FTGH 2011
                FTGH 2012
                FTGH 2013
                FTGH 2014
                FTGH 2015
                FTGH 2016
                FTGH 2017
                CABL 2008 3.00 7.00
                CABL 2009 3.00 7.00
                CABL 2010 3.00 7.00
                CABL 2011 3.00 7.00
                CABL 2012 2.00 7.00
                CABL 2013 2.00 7.00
                CABL 2014 2.00 8.00
                CABL 2015 2.00 8.00
                CABL 2016 2.00 8.00
                CABL 2017 2.00 6.00
                LKL 2008
                LKL 2009
                LKL 2010
                LKL 2011
                LKL 2012 2.00 7.00
                LKL 2013 2.00 7.00
                LKL 2014 2.00 7.00
                LKL 2015 1.00 9.00
                LKL 2016 1.00 9.00
                LKL 2017 1.00 9.00
                KAPC 2008 2.00 6.00
                KAPC 2009 2.00 6.00
                KAPC 2010 2.00 6.00
                KAPC 2011 2.00 6.00
                KAPC 2012 2.00 6.00
                KAPC 2013 2.00 6.00
                KAPC 2014 2.00 6.00
                KAPC 2015 2.00 8.00
                KAPC 2016 2.00 8.00
                KAPC 2017 2.00 8.00
                MSC 2008 1.00 15.00
                MSC 2009 1.00 15.00
                MSC 2010 1.00 15.00
                MSC 2011 1.00 15.00
                MSC 2012 1.00 15.00
                MSC 2013 1.00 15.00
                MSC 2014 1.00 15.00
                MSC 2015 1.00 15.00
                MSC 2016 1.00 15.00
                MSC 2017 1.00 15.00
                BOC 2008 3.00 11.00
                BOC 2009 3.00 11.00
                BOC 2010 3.00 11.00
                BOC 2011 3.00 9.00
                BOC 2012 4.00 12.00
                BOC 2013 4.00 10.00
                BOC 2014 4.00 10.00
                BOC 2015 2.00 9.00
                BOC 2016 3.00 10.00
                BOC 2017 3.00 8.00
                CARB 2008 2.00 4.00
                CARB 2009 2.00 4.00
                CARB 2010 2.00 4.00
                CARB 2011 2.00 4.00
                CARB 2012 2.00 4.00
                CARB 2013 2.00 4.00
                CARB 2014 2.00 5.00
                CARB 2015 2.00 5.00
                CARB 2016 2.00 5.00
                CARB 2017 2.00 6.00
                NSE 2008
                NSE 2009 2.00 11.00
                NSE 2010 2.00 11.00
                NSE 2011 1.00 9.00
                NSE 2012 1.00 9.00
                NSE 2013 1.00 9.00
                NSE 2014 1.00 8.00
                NSE 2015 1.00 11.00
                NSE 2016 1.00 11.00
                NSE 2017 1.00 11.00
                OCH 2008 1.00 10.00
                OCH 2009 1.00 10.00
                OCH 2010 1.00 10.00
                OCH 2011 1.00 8.00
                OCH 2012 1.00 9.00
                OCH 2013 1.00 7.00
                OCH 2014 1.00 7.00
                OCH 2015 1.00 6.00
                OCH 2016 1.00 6.00
                OCH 2017 1.00 5.00
                HAFR 2008
                HAFR 2009
                HAFR 2010
                HAFR 2011
                HAFR 2012 1.00 10.00
                HAFR 2013 1.00 10.00
                HAFR 2014 1.00 11.00
                HAFR 2015 1.00 7.00
                HAFR 2016 1.00 7.00
                HAFR 2017 2.00 7.00
                EVRD 2008 4.00 8.00
                EVRD 2009 4.00 8.00
                EVRD 2010 4.00 8.00
                EVRD 2011 3.00 7.00
                EVRD 2012 2.00 7.00
                EVRD 2013 3.00 8.00
                EVRD 2014 3.00 7.00
                EVRD 2015 3.00 8.00
                EVRD 2016 3.00 6.00
                EVRD 2017 3.00 6.00
                EK 2008 2.00 5.00
                EK 2009 2.00 5.00
                EK 2010 2.00 4.00
                EK 2011 2.00 4.00
                EK 2012 2.00 5.00
                EK 2013 2.00 5.00
                EK 2014 2.00 5.00
                EK 2015 2.00 5.00
                EK 2016 2.00 5.00
                EK 2017 2.00 5.00
                NMB 2008
                NMB 2009
                NMB 2010
                NMB 2011 3.00 8.00
                NMB 2012 3.00 8.00
                NMB 2013 3.00 9.00
                NMB 2014 4.00 12.00
                NMB 2015 3.00 9.00
                NMB 2016 2.00 10.00
                NMB 2017 2.00 9.00
                TBL 2008 4.00 19.00
                TBL 2009 4.00 21.00
                TBL 2010 3.00 17.00
                TBL 2011 4.00 18.00
                TBL 2012 4.00 16.00
                TBL 2013 3.00 16.00
                TBL 2014 3.00 16.00
                TBL 2015 5.00 17.00
                TBL 2016 5.00 20.00
                TBL 2017 5.00 15.00
                CRDB 2008
                CRDB 2009
                CRDB 2010
                CRDB 2011 2.00 12.00
                CRDB 2012 2.00 12.00
                CRDB 2013 2.00 10.00
                CRDB 2014 2.00 11.00
                CRDB 2015 2.00 12.00
                CRDB 2016 2.00 12.00
                CRDB 2017 2.00 13.00
                TCC 2008 4.00 8.00
                TCC 2009 4.00 7.00
                TCC 2010 4.00 8.00
                TCC 2011 6.00 10.00
                TCC 2012 6.00 8.00
                TCC 2013 6.00 9.00
                TCC 2014 7.00 9.00
                TCC 2015 4.00 6.00
                TCC 2016 4.00 6.00
                TCC 2017 5.00 7.00
                TPCC 2008 5.00 6.00
                TPCC 2009 6.00 8.00
                TPCC 2010 6.00 8.00
                TPCC 2011 5.00 6.00
                TPCC 2012 4.00 6.00
                TPCC 2013 5.00 6.00
                TPCC 2014 5.00 6.00
                TPCC 2015 4.00 6.00
                TPCC 2016 4.00 6.00
                TPCC 2017 4.00 6.00
                TCCL 2008 3.00 6.00
                TCCL 2009 3.00 6.00
                TCCL 2010 3.00 8.00
                TCCL 2011 4.00 8.00
                TCCL 2012 4.00 8.00
                TCCL 2013 2.00 6.00
                TCCL 2014 2.00 7.00
                TCCL 2015 2.00 9.00
                TCCL 2016 2.00 5.00
                TCCL 2017 2.00 10.00
                SWISS 2008 4.00 6.00
                SWISS 2009 4.00 6.00
                SWISS 2010 4.00 6.00
                SWISS 2011 4.00 5.00
                SWISS 2012 4.00 5.00
                SWISS 2013 4.00 6.00
                SWISS 2014 4.00 5.00
                SWISS 2015 4.00 5.00
                SWISS 2016 4.00 6.00
                SWISS 2017 4.00 6.00
                DCB 2008
                DCB 2009
                DCB 2010
                DCB 2011
                DCB 2012 1.00 12.00
                DCB 2013 1.00 11.00
                DCB 2014 1.00 12.00
                DCB 2015 1.00 12.00
                DCB 2016 1.00 13.00
                DCB 2017 1.00 12.00
                TATEPA 2008 2.00 5.00
                TATEPA 2009 2.00 5.00
                TATEPA 2010 2.00 6.00
                TATEPA 2011 2.00 6.00
                TATEPA 2012 2.00 7.00
                TATEPA 2013 2.00 6.00
                TATEPA 2014 2.00 6.00
                TATEPA 2015 2.00 6.00
                TATEPA 2016 2.00 6.00
                TATEPA 2017 2.00 6.00
                MCB 2008
                MCB 2009
                MCB 2010
                MCB 2011
                MCB 2012
                MCB 2013
                MCB 2014 1.00 8.00
                MCB 2015 1.00 10.00
                MCB 2016 1.00 8.00
                MCB 2017 1.00 10.00
                TOL 2008 1.00 5.00
                TOL 2009 1.00 9.00
                TOL 2010 1.00 7.00
                TOL 2011 1.00 7.00
                TOL 2012 1.00 7.00
                TOL 2013 1.00 7.00
                TOL 2014 1.00 8.00
                TOL 2015 1.00 7.00
                TOL 2016 1.00 7.00
                TOL 2017 1.00 7.00


                • #9
                  As I understand your data in #8 -- which raises a quite different question from that in #4 or #6 -- you know the number of nationalities and the number of managers. That isn't (usually) enough information for the Blau index.

                  For example for SCOM in 2008 you have 3 nationalities and 8 managers. Here are the possibilities I can think of quickly. Without the detail on counts, the Blau index always is indeterminate between possible partitions for this kind of observation. .

                  * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
                  input byte nat1 float(nat2 nat3)
                  1 1 6
                  1 2 5
                  1 3 4
                  2 3 3
                  2 2 4
                  gen blau = 1 - (nat1/8)^2 - (nat2/8)^2 - (nat3/8)^2
                       | nat1   nat2   nat3     blau |
                    1. |    1      1      6   .40625 |
                    2. |    1      2      5   .53125 |
                    3. |    1      3      4   .59375 |
                    4. |    2      3      3   .65625 |
                    5. |    2      2      4     .625 |
                  The exceptions I can think are where there are as many people as nationalities, so each nationality is represented just once. Then the Blau index is determinate.


                  • #10
                    Thanks very much Professor Nick Cox. The problem I am facing is that i can not get this clear in my full data-set especially the procedure just after installing the 'ssc install dataex'. Here is my full data-set I am working with. please assist me accordingly
                    nationality = number of nationality counts on TMT size
                    TMT size = total number of top managers
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      Sorry, no more from me. The FAQ Advice explains several different reasons why spreadsheet attachments are deprecated here.

                      In any case I have already explained in detail that those two variables alone will not suffice, and I can't think of a different or better way to explain it. I think you might be better served by seeking advice at your workplace.


                      • #12

                        1) If you need help using Stata's dataex command to share data here, I've created a Youtube tutorial here

                        2) However, as Nick mentioned, you won't be able to calculate a Blau Index with just the data that you have. You could try using your count of nationalities and scaling it to board size (i.e. nationality / TMT_size), but you won't be able to calculate the Blau Index without more data.

                        Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

