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  • Keep only most recent measure with panel data

    Hello all. I have a long-format database that looks like this:
    id wave var1 var2
    1 1 85 .
    1 2 87 .
    1 3 . .
    1 4 . 5
    2 1 . .
    2 2 92 .
    2 3 76 .
    2 4 . 8
    I need a variable that is generated using var1 and var2 (let's call it var3). Now, I would only keep observations from wave 4 because that's where I have the measurement for var2, but that would be useless because I wouldn't have any measurement for var1 in wave 4.

    So my question is, is there a way to generate a new variable (let's say var1_new) that is equal to the most recent measurement of var1 for each id? So that I would have something like the following:
    id wave var1 var2 var1_new
    1 4 . 5 87
    2 4 . 8 76
    Any help is appreciated, thank you.
    Last edited by Luna Minerva; 04 Mar 2019, 09:11.

  • #2

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input byte(id wave var1 var2)
    1 1 85 .
    1 2  . .
    1 3 87 .
    1 4  . 5
    2 1  . .
    2 2 92 .
    2 3 76 .
    2 4  . 8
    bysort id (wave) : gen var1_new = cond(var1 < ., var1, var1[_n-1])
    list, sepby(id)
         | id   wave   var1   var2   var1_new |
      1. |  1      1     85      .         85 |
      2. |  1      2      .      .         85 |
      3. |  1      3     87      .         87 |
      4. |  1      4      .      5         87 |
      5. |  2      1      .      .          . |
      6. |  2      2     92      .         92 |
      7. |  2      3     76      .         76 |
      8. |  2      4      .      8         76 |
    by id : keep if _n == _N


    • #3
      Hi Nick,

      I have a problem working with panel data.

      I was wondering if you could help me figuring out how to keep only the last 5 observations (hence dropping the rest) for each company (unique_id) for every date (file_date).
      Since I have the data arranged in a panel data format, I tried to run the following command:

      bysort FileDate Cusip SharesHeldatEndofQtr: keep in -5/-1
      'in' may not be combined with 'by' r(190);

      BUT IT DOES NOT WORK and I get this error ('in' may not be combined with 'by' r(190). I managed to sort the data in the correct order (first by date, then by company_id and lastly by ownership size) but I am having trouble in dropping the observations which are not in the top 5 (in this case the bottom 5 as sort works in ascending order) because the in range option apparently does not work with the by command. Do you know of any solution?

      Thanks in advance for the help!


      • #4
        # 3: duplicate post
        Please do not bump (as per FAQ). Thanks.
        Kind regards,
        (StataNow 18.5)

