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  • Logging in with email as user name

    I just had trouble logging in because I was trying to use my email, in the user name field. Most sites allow that, and I of course, don´t remember the specific user name registered in each website.

    I suggest that the log in be by user name OR email. I mean, the user name field should accept both, the user name itself and the email attached to that user name.

  • #2
    I don't support this -- unless we see the identifier, not the email.

    Even though what you are proposing would be voluntary use of email address as signature, you should be aware that exposing emails just means spam.
    I know that there is a counter-proposal that emails be displayed in obfuscated form, but I don't support that either.

    Alternatively it's simple: either use the same name on different sites, or (if you have reasons for multiple identities) take responsibility for keeping track of who you are currently.


    • #3
      I don´t think we are talking about the same thing.

      I don´t mean one could use their email as their actual "user name" and make that public in their postings. I just mean that you would be able to log in stating either your email or user name. Once logged in your postings would be identifiable by the user name.

      And having different user names is common even if you don´t have "multiple identities", depending if you have spaces between names, capitalization, middle name included or not, etc. Especially since one registers over different sites over different years.


      • #4
        not to mention that your "default" user name can be already taken in a specific website


        • #5
          Let me rewrite my most important sentence: If we see the identifier, not the email, then this seems reasonable.

          I think, however, that users necessarily remain responsible for what names they use.


          • #6
            ok, agreed. I hope statacorp can implement this

