I am calculating age-adjusted prevalence of certain diseases using direct method. I have a variable agestd that contains frequency of age groups
The second variable contains standard weights based on 2000 US population
The survey command I'm using to calculate age standardized prevalence is
The command runs fine but I would like to ask if the syntax is correct.
Is there a way to compare the two which standardized prevalence get a P value? The only way I can compare the two prevalences is by looking at their 95% confidence intervals.
. tab agestd Age | Groups-Stan | dardization | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 18-24 yrs | 85,585 11.98 11.98 25-44 yrs | 252,055 35.29 47.28 45-64 yrs | 246,928 34.57 81.85 65+ yrs | 129,619 18.15 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 714,187 100.00
. tab std_wt Standard | weight | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- .12881 | 85,585 11.98 11.98 .170271 | 129,619 18.15 30.13 .299194 | 246,928 34.57 64.71 .401725 | 252,055 35.29 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 714,187 100.00
svy,subpop (if occp==1 & working==1): prop copd, stdize(agestd) stdweight(std_wt) svy,subpop (if occp==1 & working==0): prop copd, stdize(agestd) stdweight(std_wt)
Is there a way to compare the two which standardized prevalence get a P value? The only way I can compare the two prevalences is by looking at their 95% confidence intervals.