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  • Measurement invariance with multigroup CFA: two different methods

    Hi Statalist members,

    I have a question about testing for measurement invariance in a two latent variable CFA with multiple groups using -sem- in stata 14.2. I found two methods to check for measurement invariance. The first method fixes loadings of a latent variable for item1 at 1 and intercept of item1 at 0 across all groups (

    *Method 1
    sem (L1-> v1 v2 v3 v4) (L2 -> v5 v6 v7 v8)       ///
                (v1 <- L1 _cons@0)                               ///
                (v5  <- L2 _cons@0),                             ///
                group(grp1)  mean(L1 L2)                     ///
    sem (L1-> v1 v2 v3 v4) (L2 -> v5 v6 v7 v8)       ///
               (v1 <- L1 _cons@0)                                ///
               (v5   <- L2 _cons@0),                             ///
                group(grp1)  mean(L1 L2)                     ///
    The second method sets the mean of the latent variable to 0 and the variances to 1 in all groups (see

    *Method 2
    sem (L1-> v1 v2 v3 v4) (L2 -> v5 v6 v7 v8),       ///
               group(grp1)  variance(L1@1 L2@1)      ///
               mean(L1@0 L2@0)                                ///
    sem (L1-> v1 v2 v3 v4) (L2 -> v5 v6 v7 v8),       ///
              group(grp1)  variance(L1@1 L2@1)       ///
              mean(L1@0 L2@0)                                ///
    I tried both methods. For the configural model both methods produced the same results for model fit. However, for the metric model there is a difference in model fit. Method 2 produces higher chi-square and has more degrees of freedom (a difference of 2 df when comparing two groups) as such resulting in somewhat different conclusions about metric invariance. I was wondering how to explain this difference and also what method is preferred if this difference in results is not related to my syntax.

    I hope you can help me.
    Thanks a lot!
    Last edited by Renske Gaag; 07 Jan 2019, 06:58.

  • #2
    I don't see anything obvious in your syntax that should lead to the difference in df you described. Can you post the results, also in code delimiters?
    Be aware that it can be very hard to answer a question without sample data. You can use the dataex command for this. Type help dataex at the command line.

    When presenting code or results, please use the code delimiters format them. Use the # button on the formatting toolbar, between the " (double quote) and <> buttons.


    • #3
      Dear Weiwen,
      Thanks for your quick response. Below are the results for the test of metric invariance (with indeed two additional constraints imposed for the second method). Hope you can help! (And I used code delimiters, but code window at least in preview is still rather big, so if there is an easy way to change this to a smaller window with scrolling bar also let me know)
      Best regards,

      Method 1
      Structural equation model Number of obs = 14.246
      Grouping variable = grp Number of groups = 2
      Estimation method = mlmv
      Log likelihood = -143374,14
      ( 1) [v1]0bn.grp#c.L1 = 1
      ( 2) [v2]0bn.grp#c.L1 - [v2]1.grp#c.L1 = 0
      ( 3) [v3]0bn.grp#c.L1 - [v3]1.grp#c.L1 = 0
      ( 4) [v4]0bn.grp#c.L1 - [v4]1.grp#c.L1 = 0
      ( 5) [v5]0bn.grp#c.L2 = 1
      ( 6) [v6]0bn.grp#c.L2 - [v6]1.grp#c.L2 = 0
      ( 7) [v7]0bn.grp#c.L2 - [v7]1.grp#c.L2 = 0
      ( 8) [v8]0bn.grp#c.L2 - [v8]1.grp#c.L2 = 0
      ( 9) [v1]0bn.grp = 0
      (10) [v5]0bn.grp = 0
      (11) [v1]1.grp#c.L1 = 1
      (12) [v5]1.grp#c.L2 = 1
      (13) [v1]1.grp = 0
      (14) [v5]1.grp = 0
      | OIM
      | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
      Measurement |
      v1 <- |
      L1 |
      [*] | 1 (constrained)
      _cons |
      [*] | 0 (constrained)
      v2 <- |
      L1 |
      [*] | 1,018263 ,0119713 85,06 0,000 ,9947997 1,041726
      _cons |
      grp0 | ,0037138 ,0082256 0,45 0,652 -,012408 ,0198356
      grp1 | ,0222782 ,0201428 1,11 0,269 -,017201 ,0617573
      v3 <- |
      L1 |
      [*] | 1,040196 ,0113604 91,56 0,000 1,01793 1,062462
      _cons |
      grp0 | ,0815293 ,0078452 10,39 0,000 ,0661529 ,0969057
      grp1 | ,0757561 ,0190875 3,97 0,000 ,0383452 ,113167
      v4 <- |
      L1 |
      [*] | ,8227086 ,011538 71,30 0,000 ,8000945 ,8453227
      _cons |
      grp0 | ,0210906 ,008193 2,57 0,010 ,0050326 ,0371486
      grp1 | ,0147129 ,0203111 0,72 0,469 -,0250961 ,0545219
      v5 <- |
      L2 |
      [*] | 1 (constrained)
      _cons |
      [*] | 0 (constrained)
      v6 <- |
      L2 |
      [*] | 1,144594 ,0319756 35,80 0,000 1,081923 1,207265
      _cons |
      grp0 | ,3172666 ,0134544 23,58 0,000 ,2908965 ,3436368
      grp1 | ,170937 ,0295832 5,78 0,000 ,1129551 ,2289189
      v7 <- |
      L2 |
      [*] | 1,259114 ,0349859 35,99 0,000 1,190543 1,327685
      _cons |
      grp0 | ,3115106 ,0143274 21,74 0,000 ,2834294 ,3395918
      grp1 | ,1113909 ,0310276 3,59 0,000 ,0505779 ,1722039
      v8 <- |
      L2 |
      [*] | ,9170568 ,0279774 32,78 0,000 ,8622221 ,9718915
      _cons |
      grp0 | ,070133 ,0121078 5,79 0,000 ,0464021 ,0938639
      grp1 | -,0262003 ,0263016 -1,00 0,319 -,0777505 ,0253499
      grp0 | -,0155526 ,0087551 -1,78 0,076 -,0327123 ,001607
      grp1 | -,0960347 ,0222418 -4,32 0,000 -,1396278 -,0524416
      grp0 | -,1985625 ,0091792 -21,63 0,000 -,2165534 -,1805716
      grp1 | -,1057349 ,022392 -4,72 0,000 -,1496224 -,0618473
      grp0 | ,3875468 ,006696 ,3746426 ,4008954
      grp1 | ,3904593 ,0158579 ,3605832 ,4228107
      grp0 | ,4196909 ,007187 ,4058384 ,4340163
      grp1 | ,4121586 ,0167265 ,3806451 ,4462811
      grp0 | ,3291189 ,0062827 ,3170326 ,3416659
      grp1 | ,3122469 ,01418 ,2856555 ,3413136
      grp0 | ,5541117 ,008079 ,5385012 ,5701747
      grp1 | ,567734 ,0199404 ,5299663 ,6081931
      grp0 | ,8158944 ,0119464 ,7928126 ,8396482
      grp1 | ,7929687 ,0276826 ,7405263 ,8491249
      grp0 | ,6393996 ,0108647 ,6184559 ,6610525
      grp1 | ,7016899 ,0265592 ,6515187 ,7557246
      grp0 | ,6144612 ,0110269 ,5932245 ,6364581
      grp1 | ,6555145 ,0261327 ,6062452 ,7087879
      grp0 | ,7222634 ,0105641 ,701852 ,7432684
      grp1 | ,7110449 ,0247073 ,6642318 ,7611573
      grp0 | ,5467377 ,0113418 ,524954 ,5694254
      grp1 | ,6115797 ,0240975 ,5661271 ,6606814
      grp0 | ,2110634 ,0093363 ,1935354 ,2301788
      grp1 | ,2207204 ,0147552 ,1936153 ,2516201
      grp0 | ,2274938 ,0070214 32,40 0,000 ,213732 ,2412555
      grp1 | ,2568075 ,0139534 18,40 0,000 ,2294592 ,2841557
      Note:[*] identifies parameter estimates constrained to be equal across groups.
      LR test of model vs. saturated: chi2(44) = 1056,64, Prob > chi2 = 0,0000
      Method 2
      Structural equation model Number of obs = 14.246
      Grouping variable = grp Number of groups = 2
      Estimation method = mlmv
      Log likelihood = -143378,13
      ( 1) [v1]0bn.grp#c.L1 - [v1]1.grp#c.L1 = 0
      ( 2) [v2]0bn.grp#c.L1 - [v2]1.grp#c.L1 = 0
      ( 3) [v3]0bn.grp#c.L1 - [v3]1.grp#c.L1 = 0
      ( 4) [v4]0bn.grp#c.L1 - [v4]1.grp#c.L1 = 0
      ( 5) [v5]0bn.grp#c.L2 - [v5]1.grp#c.L2 = 0
      ( 6) [v6]0bn.grp#c.L2 - [v6]1.grp#c.L2 = 0
      ( 7) [v7]0bn.grp#c.L2 - [v7]1.grp#c.L2 = 0
      ( 8) [v8]0bn.grp#c.L2 - [v8]1.grp#c.L2 = 0
      ( 9) [var(L1)]0bn.grp = 1
      (10) [var(L2)]0bn.grp = 1
      (11) [mean(L1)]0bn.grp = 0
      (12) [mean(L2)]0bn.grp = 0
      (13) [var(L1)]1.grp = 1
      (14) [var(L2)]1.grp = 1
      (15) [mean(L1)]1.grp = 0
      (16) [mean(L2)]1.grp = 0
      | OIM
      | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
      Measurement |
      v1 <- |
      L1 |
      [*] | ,7456757 ,0074121 100,60 0,000 ,7311483 ,7602032
      _cons |
      grp0 | -,0155544 ,0087969 -1,77 0,077 -,0327959 ,0016871
      grp1 | -,0960055 ,0216347 -4,44 0,000 -,1384088 -,0536022
      v2 <- |
      L1 |
      [*] | ,7592743 ,0076589 99,14 0,000 ,7442632 ,7742855
      _cons |
      grp0 | -,0121255 ,0090452 -1,34 0,180 -,0298538 ,0056029
      grp1 | -,0754556 ,0221278 -3,41 0,001 -,1188252 -,0320859
      v3 <- |
      L1 |
      [*] | ,7757037 ,0072244 107,37 0,000 ,761544 ,7898633
      _cons |
      grp0 | ,0653519 ,0087354 7,48 0,000 ,0482309 ,082473
      grp1 | -,0241015 ,0212727 -1,13 0,257 -,0657953 ,0175923
      v4 <- |
      L1 |
      [*] | ,6133277 ,0078226 78,40 0,000 ,5979956 ,6286598
      _cons |
      grp0 | ,0082939 ,0087345 0,95 0,342 -,0088254 ,0254132
      grp1 | -,0643054 ,0216018 -2,98 0,003 -,1066441 -,0219668
      v5 <- |
      L2 |
      [*] | ,4608467 ,0100166 46,01 0,000 ,4412145 ,480479
      _cons |
      grp0 | -,1985622 ,0091849 -21,62 0,000 -,2165644 -,1805601
      grp1 | -,1057321 ,0223028 -4,74 0,000 -,1494448 -,0620194
      v6 <- |
      L2 |
      [*] | ,5275122 ,0098204 53,72 0,000 ,5082646 ,5467599
      _cons |
      grp0 | ,0899936 ,0086992 10,35 0,000 ,0729435 ,1070438
      grp1 | ,049921 ,0220721 2,26 0,024 ,0066604 ,0931815
      v7 <- |
      L2 |
      [*] | ,5802581 ,0098104 59,15 0,000 ,56103 ,5994862
      _cons |
      grp0 | ,0614982 ,0088502 6,95 0,000 ,0441521 ,0788442
      grp1 | -,0217359 ,0222082 -0,98 0,328 -,0652631 ,0217913
      v8 <- |
      L2 |
      [*] | ,4226212 ,0095175 44,40 0,000 ,4039672 ,4412753
      _cons |
      grp0 | -,1119598 ,0086056 -13,01 0,000 -,1288264 -,0950932
      grp1 | -,1231627 ,0210022 -5,86 0,000 -,1643262 -,0819991
      [*] | 0 (constrained)
      [*] | 0 (constrained)
      grp0 | ,387203 ,0066895 ,3743113 ,4005387
      grp1 | ,3920049 ,0158492 ,36214 ,4243328
      grp0 | ,419419 ,0071823 ,4055755 ,4337351
      grp1 | ,4138567 ,0167153 ,3823586 ,4479497
      grp0 | ,3286291 ,0062746 ,3165584 ,3411601
      grp1 | ,3148491 ,0141623 ,2882798 ,343867
      grp0 | ,5540338 ,0080765 ,538428 ,5700918
      grp1 | ,5688743 ,0199523 ,5310824 ,6093554
      grp0 | ,8158667 ,0119443 ,792789 ,8396161
      grp1 | ,7932267 ,0275991 ,7409367 ,8492069
      grp0 | ,6392944 ,0108335 ,6184099 ,6608842
      grp1 | ,7021565 ,0262676 ,6525152 ,7555745
      grp0 | ,614374 ,0110028 ,593183 ,636322
      grp1 | ,6560921 ,0256568 ,6076845 ,7083558
      grp0 | ,7222555 ,0105635 ,7018455 ,7432591
      grp1 | ,7111734 ,0246796 ,6644105 ,7612275
      [*] | 1 (constrained)
      [*] | 1 (constrained)
      grp0 | ,6715884 ,0099561 67,46 0,000 ,6520748 ,6911019
      grp1 | ,6881578 ,0222652 30,91 0,000 ,6445188 ,7317969
      Note:[*] identifies parameter estimates constrained to be equal across groups.
      LR test of model vs. saturated: chi2(46) = 1064,60, Prob > chi2 = 0,0000
      Last edited by Renske Gaag; 07 Jan 2019, 13:14.


      • #4
        Normally, our results format quite nicely when we paste them in code delimiters, but I've never pasted SEM results in before. Maybe this would help:

        sem (L1-> v1 v2 v3 v4) (L2 -> v5 v6 v7) (v1 <- L1 _cons@0) (v5 <- L2 _cons@0), ///
        group(grp1) mean(L1 L2) /ginvariant(none)
        estimates store configural_m1
        sem (L1-> v1 v2 v3 v4) (L2 -> v5 v6 v7) (v1 <- L1 _cons@0) (v5 <- L2 _cons@0), ///
        group(grp1) mean(L1 L2) /ginvariant(mcoef)
        estimates store configural_m2
        estimates table configural_m1 configural_m2, b(%9.3fc)
        Then repeat for the other two sets of models. That should output only the betas to 3 decimal places.

        That said, I can see one issue from your output. Your second set of models constrains the mean and variance of both groups to 0 and 1 respectively, so they have equal mean values of both latent traits. The first set of models freely estimates the means and variances of the latent traits.

        Initially, I thought that constraining the means and variances for both groups to be equal in your second set of models didn't make sense. If you wanted to change that, this should work:

        sem (L1-> v1 v2 v3 v4) (L2 -> v5 v6 v7) , ///
        group(grp1) mean(0: L1@0) mean(0: L2@0) variance(0: L1@1) variance(0:L2@1) ginvariant(none)
        Note: not tested, but this should invoke constraints only for grp1 == 0. The means and variances of each latent trait should be freely estimated for grp1 == 1.

        However, I browsed the links you posted, and you do appear to have followed the initial steps in each link (each one discusses one method). I would just follow the procedures all the way through. I'm not familiar with traditional SEM, so I currently can't make a recommendation on what to do. I would be interested in hearing if other Statalisters have recommendations, because I intend to do a measurement invariance test like this within an item response theory framework.
        Be aware that it can be very hard to answer a question without sample data. You can use the dataex command for this. Type help dataex at the command line.

        When presenting code or results, please use the code delimiters format them. Use the # button on the formatting toolbar, between the " (double quote) and <> buttons.


        • #5
          Hi Weiwen,
          Thanks a lot and sorry for my late reply! I also tried the same analysis in MPlus with the automated [model=configural metric] command and this generated a result that was similar to the first method. I also tried your method, but had problems with convergence, so after all I decided to go with the first method, but I would also be interested to hear what other statalisters have to comment on this.


          • #6
            Hi Renske, I am actually not really sure whether the second approach is correct, despite being described on the Stata blog ( Literature recommends to only fix the latent means to 0 and the latent variances to 1 in ONE group and estimate them freely in the second group, not fixing them in BOTH groups (,%202006).pdf). Do you have any other literature or source that says it's ok to fix them in both groups? Because when I fix them in only one group, my model does not converge. When I fix them in both groups, it does. It would be great to get some literature saying it's ok to fix them in both groups... Thanks a lot in advance for your reply! Kind regards, Franzi


            • #7
              Hi Franzi, I am also not sure whether the second approach from the stata blog is correct and had the same problems with convergence as you did when fixing the latent mean to 0 and variance to 1 in one group as Weiwen proposed. That is why I went with the first method I mentioned in my first post and I fixed loadings of the latent variable for item1 at 1 and intercept of item1 at 0 across all groups. Outcomes for this method were the same as outcomes in Mplus when using the automated [model=configural metric] command. In the end I think both approaches - fixing latent factor mean (in one group) or fixing factor loadings of item- should get you the same result in terms of testing measurement invariance (and then I don't mean the approach described in the stata blog, because that clearly produced different results), but just like you I didn't get this model with fixed factor means to run in stata. This reference also mentions both approaches: (pp. 4 two ways of parameterization of the CFA model). Best wishes, Renske

