If I understand it correctly, when using the -vce(bootstrap)- command for a regression, Stata will randomly draw _N observations from the sample 50 times (by default) to calculate the t statistic.
Stata provides users the ability to control the size of bootstrapped samples with the -size(#)- parameter. However, I'm a bit confused as to what Stata does if -size(#)- is not defined. The help section says by default _N is the number of observations in the sample... so is Stata drawing _N observations for every bootstrapped sample?
For example, if I have a sample of 10,000 observations, when bootstrapping does Stata draw 10,000 observations of each bootstrap repetition? How does that make sense?
Stata provides users the ability to control the size of bootstrapped samples with the -size(#)- parameter. However, I'm a bit confused as to what Stata does if -size(#)- is not defined. The help section says by default _N is the number of observations in the sample... so is Stata drawing _N observations for every bootstrapped sample?
For example, if I have a sample of 10,000 observations, when bootstrapping does Stata draw 10,000 observations of each bootstrap repetition? How does that make sense?