Hi, I would like to know how can I draw a smaller sample (of say 20000) from an already existing large data set such as Demographic Health Survey using Monte Carlo Simulation. I want to use 1000 repitions to generate a beta coefficient value to check its consistency. I tried something like this. But it gave me one constant value of the 1000 beta. Would be glad if anyone can point out my mistake.
Thanks in advance!
gen beta=. quietly{ forvalues i=1(1)1000 { preserve //generating a random number and drawing first 20000 as samples from the data// set seed 135790 gen random=runiform() sort random gen insample=_n<=20000 //Panel regression// xtset id time xtreg y lag_y x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 //The variables are obtained from the already available data set// local coeff=_b[lag_y] restore //Store the beta values// replace beta=`coeff' in `i' } } summ beta