I have a panel data set, consisting of 125 countries, 36 years. I want to run an IV regression multible times and randomly drop 5 (of the 36 years) each time.
At the moment (see code below), I run a loop 20 times and each round I drop the last year. How can I drop 5 random years each round (and put them back before the next round)?
I had a look at bootstrapp, but it doesn't seem to work here, since the variable fadum_avg and other controls including it have to be newly calculated in each round of the loop.
At the moment (see code below), I run a loop 20 times and each round I drop the last year. How can I drop 5 random years each round (and put them back before the next round)?
I had a look at bootstrapp, but it doesn't seem to work here, since the variable fadum_avg and other controls including it have to be newly calculated in each round of the loop.
postfile buffer coeff standart using mcs, replace forval x=0/20{ tsset obs year drop if year>(2006-`x') bysort risocode: egen fadum_avg=mean(fadum) foreach x of varlist all_Precip_jan-all_Precip_dec all_Temp_jan-all_Temp_dec{ drop `x'_faavg gen `x'_faavg=`x'*fadum_avg } tsset obs year gen instrument=l.US_wheat_production*fadum_avg bysort risocode: egen ln_rgdpch_avg=mean(ln_rgdpch) gen oil_fadum_avg=oil_price_2011_USD*fadum_avg gen US_income_fadum_avg=USA_ln_income*fadum_avg gen US_democ_pres_fadum_avg=US_president_democ*fadum_avg local US_controls "oil_fadum_avg US_income_fadum_avg US_democ_pres_fadum_avg" local weather_controls "all_Precip_jan-all_Precip_dec all_Temp_jan-all_Temp_dec all_Precip_jan_faavg-all_Precip_dec_faavg all_Temp_jan_faavg-all_Temp_dec_faavg" sor risocode year ivreg2 intra_state (wheat_aid=instrument) c.recipient_pc_cereals_prod_avg#i.year c.cereal_pc_import_quantity_avg#i.year c.ln_rgdpch_avg#i.year /// c.real_us_nonfoodaid_ecaid_avg#i.year c.real_usmilaid_avg#i.year `weather_controls' `US_controls' i.year##i.wb_region_n i.risocode_n ,cluster(risocode) ffirst outreg2 wheat_aid using "T2_TESTneu5.xls", se noast nocons lab dec(5) adds(KP F-Stat, e(rkf)) post buffer (_b[wheat_aid]) (_se[wheat_aid]) //droppen drop ln_rgdpch_avg drop instrument drop fadum_avg drop oil_fadum_avg drop US_income_fadum_avg drop US_democ_pres_fadum_avg } postclose buffer