Hello eveybody,
I have a panel data and I would like to estimate a spatial SAR model through GMM (instead of using the standard ML method).
Now, the command "spivreg" does that, but only for cross-sectional datasets. For panel data I found the command "spregdpd ...run(xtdpdsys)" which estimates a spatial SAR via the Arelanno and Bond GMM-sys estimator; however, this is a dynamic specification and it includes, besides the spatially lagged dependent variable, also the (non-spatial) lagged dependent variable. I want to estimate a static (standard) SAR (i.e., with spatially lagged dependent variable but no non-spatially lagged dependent variable).
Do you know if there is a command for this, or some specific additional codes I have to use?
I know that the SAR model can be estimated with the GMM in R. Nonetheless, I am not a traitor, and I would never betray my beloved Stata program for R.
Many thanks.
I have a panel data and I would like to estimate a spatial SAR model through GMM (instead of using the standard ML method).
Now, the command "spivreg" does that, but only for cross-sectional datasets. For panel data I found the command "spregdpd ...run(xtdpdsys)" which estimates a spatial SAR via the Arelanno and Bond GMM-sys estimator; however, this is a dynamic specification and it includes, besides the spatially lagged dependent variable, also the (non-spatial) lagged dependent variable. I want to estimate a static (standard) SAR (i.e., with spatially lagged dependent variable but no non-spatially lagged dependent variable).
Do you know if there is a command for this, or some specific additional codes I have to use?
I know that the SAR model can be estimated with the GMM in R. Nonetheless, I am not a traitor, and I would never betray my beloved Stata program for R.
Many thanks.