Dear Statalist,
Estimating the model below with gmm and reg3 produce identical results. Yet, reg3 finishes the job in few seconds while gmm takes forever to do the same estimation. I am trying to understand why? Can someone clarify?
I know this is a SUR+IV (3SLS) problem which reg3 handles well. However, since I have some heteroskedasticity issues in the data, I would like to eventually fit the GMM 3SLS using the robust wmatrix option, something which reg3 doesn't allow as 3SLS with reg3 returns inconsistent parameter estimates when there is heteroskedasticity.
Thanking you in advance,
Estimating the model below with gmm and reg3 produce identical results. Yet, reg3 finishes the job in few seconds while gmm takes forever to do the same estimation. I am trying to understand why? Can someone clarify?
reg3 (y1 y2 y3 y4 = e1 e2 x1 x2), exog(z1 z2) endog(e1 e2) 3sls gmm (eq1: y1 - {xb1: e1 e2 x1 x2 _cons}) /// (eq2: y2 - {xb2: e1 e2 x1 x2 _cons}) /// (eq3: y3 - {xb3: e1 e2 x1 x2 _cons}) /// (eq4: y4 - {xb4: e1 e2 x1 x2 _cons}) /// , instruments(z1 z2 x1 x2) /// winitial(unadjusted, independent) wmatrix(unadjusted) twostep
Thanking you in advance,