sysuse pop2000, clear
replace maletotal = maletotal/1e+6
tw (bar maletotal agegrp in 1/5) (scatteri 10.55 2 10.55 3, recast(line) ///
lw(medthick) mc(none) lc(black) lp(solid)) (scatteri 10.55 2 10.55 3, ///
recast(dropline) base(10.52) lw(medthick) mc(none) lc(black) lp(solid)), ///
ysc(r(., 11)) scheme(s1mono) leg(off) text(10.55 2.5 "p<.001", place(n))
Now, it can be displayed, but the font is ugly.
sysuse pop2000, clear
replace maletotal = maletotal/1e+6
tw (bar maletotal agegrp in 1/5) (scatteri 10.55 2 10.55 3, recast(line) ///
lw(medthick) mc(none) lc(black) lp(solid)) (scatteri 10.55 2 10.55 3, ///
recast(dropline) base(10.52) lw(medthick) mc(none) lc(black) lp(solid)), ///
ysc(r(., 11)) scheme(s1mono) leg(off) text(10.55 2.5 "p<.001", place(n))
Now, it can be displayed, but the font is ugly.