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  • Identifying chains of connections across observations


    I'm struggling with a problem that I can't seem to get my head around and will appreciate any suggestions. Here is how the data looks:

    company_name shareholder percent
    indian acrylics ltd bloomen flora ltd 0.02
    indian acrylics ltd sab udyog ltd 0.13
    indian acrylics ltd SS infra ltd 0.03
    SS infra ltd bloomen flora ltd 0.04
    SS infra ltd sab udyog ltd 0.02
    SS infra ltd Strip wheels ltd 0.04
    Strip wheels ltd bloomen flora ltd 0.04
    Strip wheels ltd sab udyog ltd 0.06

    What I am trying to do is this: I want to identify chains of ownership ties (and the ultimate owner ownership) for each firm. For instance, in row 3 below, Indian acrylics is owned by SS infrastructures ltd (at 3% equity), which in turn is owned by bloomen flora ltd (at 4% equity) etc. I would also like to also identify the ultimate parent in each of these ownership chains (last col below). How do I do this? Any suggestions will be very much appreciated.

    company_name shareholder percent shareholder2 percent2 shareholder3 percent3 ultimate_parent
    indian acrylics ltd bloomen flora ltd 0.02 bloomen floren ltd
    indian acrylics ltd sab udyog ltd 0.13 sab udyog ltd
    indian acrylics ltd SS infra ltd 0.03 bloomen flora ltd 0.04 bloomen floren ltd
    indian acrylics ltd SS infra ltd 0.03 sab udyog ltd 0.02 sab udyog ltd
    indian acrylics ltd SS infra ltd 0.03 Strip wheels ltd 0.04 bloomen flora ltd 0.04 bloomen floren ltd
    indian acrylics ltd SS infra ltd 0.03 Strip wheels ltd 0.04 sab udyog ltd 0.06 sab udyog ltd

    Thanks again

  • #2
    One question that comes to mind: is it possible that companyB could be a shareholder of companyA, and also that companyA could be a shareholder of companyB?


    • #3
      Thanks very much for the response. I appreciate it.

      Yes. Cross-shareholdings are possible. Here is an example:

      company_name, shareholder, percent
      A, B, .05
      B, A, .02
      B, C, .01

      In this case, I need to figure out how to make the final data look like this:

      company_name, shareholder, percent, shareholder2, percent2, ultimate_parent
      A, B, .05, C, .01, C
      B, A, .02,,,A
      B, C, .01,,,C



      • #4
        If we ignore the infinite loop problem that William points out in #2, you can talk about levels of largest shareholders. You can define level1 as the largest shareholder of Company "X". Level 2 would be the largest shareholder of the largest shareholder of Company "X". The following will give you as many levels as you need. A general comment on your approach is that it is arbitrary. For example, there may not be much difference between a shareholder who owns 3% of a company and one who holds 4% ownership. Therefore, I would not consider it correct that the parent company of the firm holding 4% interest in a company is the ultimate owner of the company. You can constrain it to companies that have a controlling interest in the current company, defined as at least 50% of the outstanding shares plus one share.

        input str99(company_name shareholder) float percent
        "indian acrylics ltd" "bloomen flora ltd" 0.02
        "indian acrylics ltd" "sab udyog ltd" 0.13
        "indian acrylics ltd" "SS infra ltd" 0.03
        "SS infra ltd"    "bloomen flora ltd" 0.04
        "SS infra ltd"    "sab udyog ltd"    0.02
        "SS infra ltd"    "Strip wheels ltd" 0.04
        "Strip wheels ltd" "bloomen flora ltd" 0.04
        "Strip wheels ltd" "sab udyog ltd" 0.06
        tempfile data
        save `data'
        *Generate list of largest owner by company
        bys company_name (percent): gen level1= shareholder[_N]
        *TAG TIES
        bys company_name (percent): gen tie = percent[_N]==  percent[_N-1]
        *DECIDE WHAT TO DO WITH TIES. Largest shareholders & ties
        *browse if tie
        contract company_name level1
        drop _freq
        tempfile level1
        sort level1
        save `level1'
        use `data'
        merge m:1 company_name using `level1'
        drop if _merge==2
        drop _merge
        sort level1
        save `data', replace
        *LEVEL 1 TO LEVEL K OWNERS, WHERE  1 < K < 
        *Here K=5
        forval i=1/5{
        local k= `i'+1
        use `level1'
        rename (*) (level`i' level`k')
        sort level`i'
        save `level1', replace
        use `data'
        merge m:1 level`i' using `level1'
        drop if _merge==2
        drop _merge
        save `data', replace
        Here, we only have level 1 owners

        . list company_name shareholder  percent level*, sepby(company_name)
             |        company_name         shareholder   percent              level1   level2   level3   level4   level5   level6 |
          1. |        SS infra ltd    Strip wheels ltd       .04   bloomen flora ltd                                              |
          2. |        SS infra ltd       sab udyog ltd       .02   bloomen flora ltd                                              |
          3. |        SS infra ltd   bloomen flora ltd       .04   bloomen flora ltd                                              |
          4. |    Strip wheels ltd       sab udyog ltd       .06       sab udyog ltd                                              |
          5. |    Strip wheels ltd   bloomen flora ltd       .04       sab udyog ltd                                              |
          6. | indian acrylics ltd   bloomen flora ltd       .02       sab udyog ltd                                              |
          7. | indian acrylics ltd       sab udyog ltd       .13       sab udyog ltd                                              |
          8. | indian acrylics ltd        SS infra ltd       .03       sab udyog ltd                                              |
        Last edited by Andrew Musau; 07 Oct 2018, 08:43.

