Dear all,
I'm currently at a stumbling block on a Stata code I'm working on. This involves seven different variables with years from 1999 - 2016 and each year is saved as a temp file. Below is code for the years 1999 and 2000 for one variable, to show you how it's structured;
I will need help appending all the years for each variable and finally merging all the variables into one huge data file.
I'm currently at a stumbling block on a Stata code I'm working on. This involves seven different variables with years from 1999 - 2016 and each year is saved as a temp file. Below is code for the years 1999 and 2000 for one variable, to show you how it's structured;
*importing the matching worksheet in excel file for 1999* import excel "$data/1999", clear sheet("I.A.2") cellrange(A2:B53) firstrow *Create year FIPSCode variable* gen FIPSCode=_n label var FIPSCode "FIPSCode" gen Year = 1999 label var Year "Year" rename JobSearchRequired JobSrchRq /*Replacing the empty cells with "n/a" and rewriting the state D.C. as DC for consistency across years*/ replace JobSrchRq = "N/A" if JobSrchRq =="*" replace State = "DC" if State=="D.C." *Rearranging the order of data set * order FIPSCode State Year JobSrchRq /*Save as a temporary dta file; the format will be temp'year ''a', where'a' represents the variable Mandatory Job Search at Application variable.*/ sort FIPSCode Year tempfile temp1999a save `temp1999a' *importing the matching worksheet in excel file for 2000* import excel "$data/2000", clear sheet("I.A.2") cellrange(A2:B53) firstrow *Renaming Job Search Required variable* rename JobSearchRequired JobSrchRq *Rewriting the State D.C. as DC for consistency across years.* browse replace State = "DC" if State=="D.C." /*Removing super scripts which import as numbers attached to the content in the Job Search Required field*/ tab JobSrchRq replace JobSrchRq = "Yes" if substr(JobSrchRq,1,1)=="Y" replace JobSrchRq = "No" if substr(JobSrchRq,1,1)=="N" *Check to make sure super scripts were actually taken out* tab JobSrchRq *Create year FIPSCode variable* gen FIPSCode=_n label var FIPSCode "FIPSCode" gen Year = 2000 label var Year "Year" *Rearranging the order of data set * order FIPSCode State Year JobSrchRq /*Save as a temporary dta file; the format will be temp'year ''a', where'a' represents the variable Mandatory Job Search at Application variable.*/ sort FIPSCode Year tempfile temp2000a save `temp2000a'