Thanks to Kit Baum, a new package gtools is now available for download from SSC. From Stata 13.1 or later, use
Gtools implements a faster version of several stata commands:
Syntax is largely analogous to their native counterparts, and several additions are available. See "gtools, examples" for some quick examples and "help gtools" for details and additional features. The package's official website, which includes more detailed examples, benchmarks, and documentation, is; development is currently undertaken at github (
Feedback and comments are welcome! Here are some quick benchmarks to showcase the speed gains (Stata 15/MP):
And against SSC and Stata Journal commands
ssc install gtools
- gcollapse, 4-60x faster than collapse (2-9x faster than fcollapse)
- gcontract, 2-7x faster than contract
- gegen, 4-26x faster than egen (2-4x faster than fegen)
- gisid, 4-30x faster than isid (4-14x faster than fisid)
- glevelsof, 2-13x faster than levelsof (1.5-13x faster than flevelsof)
- gquantiles, 10-30x faster than xtile (2.5-30x faster than fastxtile)
- gquantiles, 3-40x faster than pctile and _pctile
- gquantiles with by, 3-12x faster than astile with by (next-fastest I found)
- gunique and gdistinct, 4-26x faster than their SSC and Stata Journal counterparts (unique and distinct).
- gduplicates, 5-15x faster than duplicates.
Syntax is largely analogous to their native counterparts, and several additions are available. See "gtools, examples" for some quick examples and "help gtools" for details and additional features. The package's official website, which includes more detailed examples, benchmarks, and documentation, is; development is currently undertaken at github (
Feedback and comments are welcome! Here are some quick benchmarks to showcase the speed gains (Stata 15/MP):
program bench gettoken timer call: 0, p(:) gettoken colon call: call, p(:) cap timer clear `timer' timer on `timer' `call' timer off `timer' qui timer list c_local r`timer' `=r(t`timer')' end clear set obs 10000000 gen groups = int(runiform() * 1000) gen rsort = rnormal() gen rvar = rnormal() gen ix = _n sort rsort timer clear preserve bench 11: gcollapse (sum) rvar (mean) mean = rvar, by(groups) restore, preserve bench 10: collapse (sum) rvar (mean) mean = rvar, by(groups) restore preserve bench 21: gcontract groups restore, preserve bench 20: contract groups restore bench 31: gegen g_id = group(groups) bench 30: egen id = group(groups) bench 41: gisid ix bench 40: isid ix bench 51: qui glevelsof groups bench 50: qui levelsof groups bench 61: gquantiles g_xtile = rvar, nq(10) xtile bench 60: xtile xtile = rvar, nq(10) bench 71: gquantiles g_pctile = rvar, nq(10) pctile bench 70: pctile pctile = rvar, nq(10) preserve bench 81: gduplicates drop groups, force restore, preserve bench 80: duplicates drop groups, force restore local commands collapse contract egen isid levelsof xtile pctile duplicates local bench_table `" Versus | Native | gtools | % faster "' local bench_table `"`bench_table'"' _n(1) `" ---------- | ------ | ------ | -------- "' forvalues i = 10(10)80 { gettoken cmd commands: commands local pct "`:disp %7.2f 100 * (`r`i'' - `r`=`i'+1'') / `r`i'''" local dnative "`:disp %6.2f `r`i'''" local dgtools "`:disp %6.2f `r`=`i'+1'''" local cmd `"`:disp %10s "`cmd'"'"' local bench_table `"`bench_table'"' _n(1) `" `cmd' | `dnative' | `dgtools' | `pct'% "' } disp _n(1) `"`bench_table'"'
Versus | Native | gtools | % faster ---------- | ------ | ------ | -------- collapse | 8.80 | 2.84 | 67.73% contract | 9.61 | 1.48 | 84.56% egen | 13.18 | 1.66 | 87.42% isid | 33.18 | 2.44 | 92.65% levelsof | 3.12 | 0.87 | 72.04% xtile | 31.13 | 1.40 | 95.52% pctile | 7.85 | 1.43 | 81.77% duplicates | 36.95 | 1.91 | 94.83%
ssc install ftools ssc install fastxtile ssc install distinct ssc install unique drop g_id id g_xtile xtile timer clear preserve bench 11: gcollapse (sum) rvar (mean) mean = rvar, by(groups) restore, preserve bench 10: fcollapse (sum) rvar (mean) mean = rvar, by(groups) restore bench 21: gegen g_id = group(groups) bench 20: fegen id = group(groups) bench 31: gisid ix bench 30: fisid ix bench 41: qui glevelsof groups bench 40: qui flevelsof groups bench 51: gquantiles g_xtile = rvar, nq(10) xtile bench 50: fastxtile xtile = rvar, nq(10) bench 61: qui gdistinct groups bench 60: qui distinct groups bench 71: qui gunique groups bench 70: qui unique groups local commands fcollapse fegen fisid flevelsof fastxtile distinct unique local bench_table `" Versus | Native | gtools | % faster "' local bench_table `"`bench_table'"' _n(1) `" ---------- | ------ | ------ | -------- "' forvalues i = 10(10)70 { gettoken cmd commands: commands local pct "`:disp %7.2f 100 * (`r`i'' - `r`=`i'+1'') / `r`i'''" local dnative "`:disp %6.2f `r`i'''" local dgtools "`:disp %6.2f `r`=`i'+1'''" local cmd `"`:disp %10s "`cmd'"'"' local bench_table `"`bench_table'"' _n(1) `" `cmd' | `dnative' | `dgtools' | `pct'% "' } disp _n(1) `"`bench_table'"'
Versus | Native | gtools | % faster ---------- | ------ | ------ | -------- fcollapse | 7.90 | 3.09 | 60.89% fegen | 2.13 | 1.67 | 21.87% fisid | 6.21 | 2.37 | 61.84% flevelsof | 1.15 | 0.85 | 25.94% fastxtile | 6.90 | 1.72 | 75.04% distinct | 12.34 | 0.87 | 92.98% unique | 9.73 | 0.85 | 91.24%