My dependent variable (test) is bunched up at certain values (ordered values- higher is "better"). The plot looks something like this (3 distinct concentration points)

After running a simple OLS regression, including on transformed "test" variable, I am not convinced of the result. Here's what the residual plot looks like

Here's an simplified version of the model I am running
Any suggestions on how I cam improve the results? I could try converting this into three bins and do a ordered probit perhaps. I'd much rather let this remain continuous though.
I appreciate any help on this.
After running a simple OLS regression, including on transformed "test" variable, I am not convinced of the result. Here's what the residual plot looks like
Here's an simplified version of the model I am running
reg test i.literate i.married i.scst age agesq i.treatment i.village income reg testsq i.literate i.married i.scst age agesq i.treatment i.village income reg lntest i.literate i.married i.scst age agesq i.treatment i.village income
I appreciate any help on this.