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Also Sir, how do I interpret the result from the jacknife correction. Is the table we get at the end refer to some particular quantile? Median regression?
I am using a panel of 178 firms over 2007-2016 and over 2008-2013. I am considering the use of xtqreg as my data is very sensitive to outliers. However, as you may have noticed n/T is really big. So, I wonder if using the Jackknife will correct any bias created by using xtqreg. If so, I wonder I you would generously share it with me as I believe I cannot send you and email because of account restriction.
Thanks a lot for your time and contribution.
Best wishes,
Thanks a lot Prof. Santos Silva
For interested people, I found it in the publications section of the Prof's webpage as an example of the paper "Quantiles via Moments".
Does panel quantile regression model give every cross section's coefficient statistic for each quantile degree (.10, .20. ..... , .90) like xtpmg full model?
I suggest you compute the standard errors by using clustered bootstrap, as illustrated here.
Also, note that the warning suggests that you may need to make your model more flexible.
Best wishes,
Dear Silva,
I tried to use your code(above).
I got some results, but I couldn't understand which results show me the robust clustered quantile regression? The last table I got gives us the result of what? And then how can I estimate the wald test?
Thank you very much.
. clear
. *(7 variables, 506 observations pasted into data editor)
. xtset idcode
variable idcode not found
. xtset idcode
panel variable: idcode (balanced)
. by idcode: egen c=count(idcode)
not sorted
. set seed 123
. g s=runiform()<0.5
. xtwreg yer lyer latm lmzn lkpss, ls q(0.10(0.40)0.90)
command xtwreg is unrecognized
. xtqreg yer lyer latm lmzn lkpss, ls q(0.10(0.40)0.90)
MM-QR regression results
Number of obs = 506
Location parameters
(Std. Err. adjusted for 23 clusters in idcode)
yer Coef. Std. Err. t P>t [95% Conf. Interval]
. qui bs, cluster(idcode) rep(20): yer lyer latm lmzn lkpss
yer command not found
. qui bs, cluster(idcode) rep(20): xtqreg yer lyer latm lmzn lkpss
WARNING: 5.1383399% of the fitted values of the scale function are not positive
. mat V=e(V).
. matrix b=e(b_location)
. matrix g=e(b_scale)
. matrix Q50=e(q)
. scalar N=e(N)
. qui xtqreg yer lyer latm lmzn lkpss
WARNING: 5.1383399% of the fitted values of the scale function are not positive
Your post is rather difficult to read, but it appears that the final table gives you the estimated for the median with clustered standard errors. To better understand what you are doing, please read the original paper before using the estimator.
my dependent variable is continuous from 1 to 7. can i use quantile regression. Which one do i interpret among 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75. Do i choose on, or interpret the three? pls i need clarification
Greetings to all.
I have a panel data with 106 countries for the period 2007-2020. my dependent variable is continuous but within 1-7. i intend to use quantile regression or system GMM. Which one do i interpret among 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75. Do i choose on, or interpret the three? pls i need clarification
Greetings to all.
I have a panel data with 106 countries for the period 2007-2020. my dependent variable is continuous but within 1-7. i intend to use quantile regression or system GMM. I am estimating at 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75, Which one do i interpret among 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75. Do i choose to interpret one, or interpret the three? pls i need clarification