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  • Where are the critical values of DFGLS unit root test stored?

    A DFGLS test provides a result table with critical values at 1%, 5%, 10%, e.g. like this:

    PHP Code:
    dfgls ln_GDP_AUT_sa_shw1 if month >= month <= 156maxlag(12)
    DF-GLS for ln_CPI_AUT_sa_~1                              Number of obs =   144
    -GLS tau      1Critical       5Critical      10Critical
    [lags]     Test Statistic        Value             Value             Value
    12           -1.373           -3.512            -2.809            -2.532
    -0.688           -3.512            -2.826            -2.548
    -0.672           -3.512            -2.843            -2.563
    -1.200           -3.512            -2.859            -2.578
    -1.457           -3.512            -2.875            -2.593
    -2.146           -3.512            -2.890            -2.607
    -1.849           -3.512            -2.904            -2.620
    -2.451           -3.512            -2.918            -2.632
    -2.090           -3.512            -2.930            -2.644
    -2.786           -3.512            -2.942            -2.655
    -3.344           -3.512            -2.954            -2.665
    -3.716           -3.512            -2.964            -2.674
    Opt Lag 
    (Ng-Perron seq t) = 12 with RMSE  .0070382
    Min SC   
    =  -9.46413 at lag 12 with RMSE  .0070382
    Min MAIC 
    = -9.684341 at lag 12 with RMSE  .0070382 
    But these critical values are not stored, e.g.
    PHP Code:
    matrix list r(results
    yields only the following table:

    PHP Code:
                 k        MAIC         SIC        RMSE       DFGLS
    r1          12  
    -9.6843409  -9.4641303   .00703824  -1.3725487
    r1          11   
    -9.575829  -9.3296057   .00765897  -.68797794
    r1          10  
    -9.5905321  -9.3638727   .00765991  -.67219615
    r1           9   
    -9.501018  -9.3241323   .00794964  -1.1998016
    r1           8  
    -9.4865895  -9.3479864   .00799211  -1.4566636
    r1           7   
    -9.377198  -9.3221978   .00823675  -2.1459997
    r1           6  
    -9.4126014  -9.3408127   .00830248  -1.8488197
    r1           5  
    -9.3416657   -9.344457   .00843162   -2.450565
    r1           4  
    -9.3767739  -9.3561343   .00852844  -2.0897924
    r1           3  
    -9.2949919  -9.3554019   .00868007  -2.7859181
    r1           2  
    -9.2513679  -9.3781925   .00873109  -3.3436531
    r1           1  
    -9.2487849  -9.4117624   .00873521  -3.7159741 
    Can anybody please tell me where to receive the 5% and 10% critical values, in order to write them with "putexcel" to an Excel file?

    Thanks a lot!

  • #2
    Apparently, Stata does not return these critical values as stored results. You could compute them manually and create your own table or matrix based on equation (4) and the corresponding coefficients in Table 1 of Cheung and Lai (1995): Lag Order and Critical Values of a Modified Dickey-Fuller Test. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 57 (3), 411-419.

