I'm looking for a way to add support to -margins- (a postestimation command) in reghdfe (an estimation command available in SSC). This has been on my to-do list for a while (discussion), but I can't find anything relevant on the manuals, or help files (not even in "help undocumented") so I'm not sure how to proceed.
I found some useful hints in the Stata 11 announcement, but I'm still not sure what should I include in e(marginsok) and in the other macros listed below.
Does anyone know anything about these options?
Attaching excerpt from the announcement:
I found some useful hints in the Stata 11 announcement, but I'm still not sure what should I include in e(marginsok) and in the other macros listed below.
Does anyone know anything about these options?
Attaching excerpt from the announcement:
Estimation commands now post in macros how new command margins is to treat their prediction statistics when the statistics require special treatment. These macros are e(marginsok), e(marginsnotok), and e(marginsprop).
e(marginsok) specifies the name of predictors that are to be allowed and that appear to violate margins’ usual rules, such as dependent variables being involved in the calculation.
e(marginsnotok) are statistics that margins fails to identify as violating assumptions but that do and should not be allowed.
e(emarginsprop) provides special signals as to how statistics for the estimator must be handled. Currently allowed are combinations of addcons, noeb, and nochainrule. addcons means that the estimated equations have no constant even if the user did not specify noconstant at estimation time. noeb means that the estimator does not store the covariate names on the name stripe of e(b). nochainrule means that the chain rule may not be used to calculate derivatives.
e(marginsok) specifies the name of predictors that are to be allowed and that appear to violate margins’ usual rules, such as dependent variables being involved in the calculation.
e(marginsnotok) are statistics that margins fails to identify as violating assumptions but that do and should not be allowed.
e(emarginsprop) provides special signals as to how statistics for the estimator must be handled. Currently allowed are combinations of addcons, noeb, and nochainrule. addcons means that the estimated equations have no constant even if the user did not specify noconstant at estimation time. noeb means that the estimator does not store the covariate names on the name stripe of e(b). nochainrule means that the chain rule may not be used to calculate derivatives.