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  • #16
    Ok I see, thanks a lot!


    • #17
      I am trying to replicate a paper - the paper doesn't specify which commands have been used - should boottest and cgmwildboot give the same result if one imposes the null and sets the seed to be the same?


      • #18
        Dear David,

        I and a couple of others are facing an issue with the boottest command. We are using Stata/MP 14.1 and trying to run the following commands:

        eststo clear

        global controls CH_F##CH_BirthOrd CH_Sib M_Age M_Ed M_Wt4Ht HH_Mus HH_Hin HH_SCST HH_Urban HH_Mem HH_Wealth HH_Fam

        eststo xi: reghdfe NN_D Treat_E##FB_f##CH_F Treat_P Treat_S $controls [pw=perweight] if kidbirthy>1985, a(i.district##c.kidbirthyr) cluster(stateid)
        boottest 1.Treat_E#1.FB_f#1.CH_F, reps (9999) nograph noci bootcluster (stateid)
        return list
        estadd scalar p_boot = r(p)
        These commands return the following error "factor variables and time-series operators are not allowed" when trying to run boottest. But when someone else tried on their computer, it worked for them. They use the same state version and ran the same commands as these. We're really unsure what the issue might be? There has been no post resolving this kind of an error. It would be really helpful if you could help us out.


        Sonal Agarwal


        • #19
          Your call to -esto- includes a call to "xi". Why? Factor variables were available in version 14. What happens if you simply omit it?

          Also check whether your command works without the -esto- prefix. If it does, that will tell you (I think) that your problem is somehow the combination of -esto- and "xi"

