I try to do cross sectional dependence test in Stata. My purpose is making pretest in order to select correct type of unit root test. Since I have T>N, I want to use Berusch-Pagan (1980) LM test and Pesaran (2004) CD cross sectional dependence test.
However, I can't do that.
how can I do these tests?
I mean what should I do step by step?( Should I run any model before cross section test? or Is cross section dependence test applied on series?)
Also, what command should I use for these two tpe of cross section dependence tests?
Please help.
Thank you very much.
pc: I have dynamic panel model
I try to do cross sectional dependence test in Stata. My purpose is making pretest in order to select correct type of unit root test. Since I have T>N, I want to use Berusch-Pagan (1980) LM test and Pesaran (2004) CD cross sectional dependence test.
However, I can't do that.
how can I do these tests?
I mean what should I do step by step?( Should I run any model before cross section test? or Is cross section dependence test applied on series?)
Also, what command should I use for these two tpe of cross section dependence tests?
Please help.
Thank you very much.
pc: I have dynamic panel model