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  • Using loop within a loop to run regressions


    I am working on firm level data sets in India. For my work, I have a set of outcome variables such as Export Intensity, Labor Productivity, Share of Services in total sales, etc. and a set of 7 explanatory variables (1-7) in addition to 4 controls. I want to run regressions with different combinations of explanatory variables say taking only 1 in the first, then 1 and 2, and so on. For this I thought, I will run a double loop in stata where in the first loop I will state my outcome variables, then, in the second loop, I will state my set of explanatory variables, followed by the regression equation and outreg command. However, I could not succeed in formulating a correct command. Could you please help me in generating the stata command?/
    thank you so much

  • #2
    Don't do this.
    If you have a theoretical foundation to include these seven explanatory variables in your model, then include them.
    If you're fishing for statistically significant variables, you could look into stepwise models.
    Before you proceed, however, search the literature and online educational material on discussions on when to use stepwise regression. You will not find many proponents.


    • #3
      please be also advised about the pitfalls of stepwise regression models:
      Kind regards,
      (StataNow 18.5)


      • #4
        I didn't read Sugandha as intending to do stepwise regression. It sounded to me more like

        local controls c1 c2 c3 c4
        foreach response in y1 y2 y3 {
               nestreg : regress `response' `controls'  x1 (x2) (x3) (x4) (x5) (x6) (x7)


        • #5
          Thank you so much everyone for your replies. I am sorry, if i was not able to frame my question appropriately but I am not intending to do a stepwise regression. Apologies
          Thank You Nick Sir for understanding my question and for your response too.
          Thanks a lot

