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  • Outreg2 makes two columns for each regression


    I am using outreg2 to output regression results into a table. However, when I do so it continues to generate two columns for each regression. Table 3: Network Structure, Knowledge and Coordination Time. The table below was created after I opened a new session of Stata and deleted the prior .rtf output, so I'm not sure why I continue to get multiple columns for each regression model.

    Any help is much appreciated as I'd like to understand what I'm doing wrong.



    xttobit timetaken_secs edges infoviewnum##c.d_centralization i.newdate trialid, ul(180)
    outreg2 using Table3, stats(coef se pval) word excel replace
    (1) (2)
    VARIABLES timetaken_secs /
    edges -1.758*** -1.758***
    (0.291) (0.291)
    1.46e-09 1.46e-09
    1.infoviewnum -87.96*** -87.96***
    (21.00) (21.00)
    2.82e-05 2.82e-05
    d_centralization -23.49 -23.49
    (18.66) (18.66)
    0.208 0.208
    0b.infoviewnum#co.d_centralization 0 0
    (0) (0)
    1.infoviewnum#c.d_centralization -37.57* -37.57*
    (19.65) (19.65)
    0.0559 0.0559
    3.newdate -47.00** -47.00**
    (22.08) (22.08)
    0.0333 0.0333
    4.newdate -0.452 -0.452
    (21.75) (21.75)
    0.983 0.983
    5.newdate 65.94*** 65.94***
    (20.32) (20.32)
    0.00118 0.00118
    6.newdate 121.3*** 121.3***
    (21.09) (21.09)
    8.87e-09 8.87e-09
    7.newdate 55.62*** 55.62***
    (17.49) (17.49)
    0.00147 0.00147
    8.newdate -14.71 -14.71
    (15.46) (15.46)
    0.342 0.342
    9.newdate -57.07*** -57.07***
    (19.71) (19.71)
    0.00379 0.00379
    10.newdate -21.53 -21.53
    (15.20) (15.20)
    0.157 0.157
    11.newdate -37.34* -37.34*
    (21.90) (21.90)
    0.0882 0.0882
    12.newdate 53.64*** 53.64***
    (19.52) (19.52)
    0.00600 0.00600
    13.newdate 28.21 28.21
    (17.32) (17.32)
    0.103 0.103
    14.newdate -35.21** -35.21**
    (13.82) (13.82)
    0.0108 0.0108
    15.newdate 13.22 13.22
    (28.38) (28.38)
    0.641 0.641
    16.newdate -10.59 -10.59
    (15.54) (15.54)
    0.496 0.496
    17o.newdate - -
    - -
    trialid 1.023*** 1.023***
    (0.313) (0.313)
    0.00108 0.00108
    Constant 196.8*** 196.8***
    (20.52) (20.52)
    0 0
    Observations 447 447
    Number of newdate 16 16

    Standard errors in parentheses
    *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

  • #2
    You'll increase your chances of a useful answer by following the FAQ on asking questions - provide Stata code in code delimiters, readable Stata output, and sample data using dataex. I'm also not sure what you mean by high p values.

    I see the same problem with tobit then outreg2. I don't know what you can do about this. I would assume that other output routines don't do this.


    • #3
      Did you manage to find solution for this issue? I have the same problem with outreg2 when running a heckman model.

