I am using panel data, my panel is unbalanced.
I observe N=773 cohorts over T=39 time periods.
the number of observations is 5090 and on average each cohort is observed 6.6 times.
My dependent variable is fractional (0-1)
my independent variables are mostly continuous, one is also fractional (0-1).
I am interested in the effects of the IV on the DV while holding time and country fixed
The cohorts are created based on individuals who have the year of birth & country in common.
I suspect my model could suffer from heteroskedasticity.
Searching the internet, I found two commands:
My question is:
1. from my understanding, (1) only applies to balanced panels, is there an extension / similar approach for unbalanced panels?
2. I am not sure whether (2) is a good specification because it is using population-averages? (if it wasn't for the fractional DV, I would go with a fixed effect model because of the unobserved heterogeneity. Is PA more like a RE or FE model or entirely different?)
3. Are there alternatives to those? What would be a good specification?
Thanks in advance,
I am using panel data, my panel is unbalanced.
I observe N=773 cohorts over T=39 time periods.
the number of observations is 5090 and on average each cohort is observed 6.6 times.
My dependent variable is fractional (0-1)
my independent variables are mostly continuous, one is also fractional (0-1).
I am interested in the effects of the IV on the DV while holding time and country fixed
The cohorts are created based on individuals who have the year of birth & country in common.
I suspect my model could suffer from heteroskedasticity.
Searching the internet, I found two commands:
1. following the paper Papke & Wooldridge http://people.stern.nyu.edu/wgreene/Econometrics/Papke-Wooldridge-FractionalResponse.pdf glm DV IVs i.country i.year i.oldcountry##c.year, fam(bin) link(logit) robust 2. using a population-averaged model xtgee DV IVs i.country i.year i.country##c.year, family(bin) link(logit) corr(independent) i(idcode) t(timevar) vce(robust)
1. from my understanding, (1) only applies to balanced panels, is there an extension / similar approach for unbalanced panels?
2. I am not sure whether (2) is a good specification because it is using population-averages? (if it wasn't for the fractional DV, I would go with a fixed effect model because of the unobserved heterogeneity. Is PA more like a RE or FE model or entirely different?)
3. Are there alternatives to those? What would be a good specification?
Thanks in advance,