Dear All, According to the following dataset,
I then use the Graphics - Twoway graph menu to draw the following figure
The corresponding command is
Then, I use the Graph Editor to change (i.e., hollow circle, and legend off) the above graph to the following graph
My question is: how can I get the corresponding command for this graph? Thanks.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str3 code float(growth lprivo) "ARG" .6176451 2.752746 "AUS" 1.9751474 4.004016 "AUT" 2.889185 4.178968 "BGD" .7082631 2.6060796 "BRB" 2.652859 3.704847 "BEL" 2.6513345 3.2444575 "BOL" .3550578 2.5758026 "BRA" 2.9300966 3.065546 "CAN" 2.3859885 4.1086454 "CHL" 1.4469954 3.32541 "COL" 2.2270143 3.094773 "CRI" 1.6136966 3.0807066 "CYP" 5.384184 4.127378 "DNK" 2.1793702 3.748256 "DOM" 2.498769 2.9503646 "ECU" 2.388093 2.889542 "SLV" -.6075561 3.1289306 "FJI" 1.8458964 3.163393 "FIN" 2.798494 3.947039 "FRA" 2.431281 4.323712 "DEU" 2.453688 4.336713 "GHA" -.9631622 1.6240644 "GRC" 3.22405 3.60341 "GTM" .9292306 2.589061 "GUY" -.28062087 3.021234 "HTI" -.6579341 2.042972 "HND" .5977848 3.1720316 "ISL" 3.012389 3.5494244 "IND" 1.915168 2.9719946 "IRL" 3.254494 3.8947036 "ISR" 2.810969 3.622525 "ITA" 2.9329815 4.0790596 "JAM" .4177902 3.200545 "JPN" 4.304759 4.854981 "KEN" 1.962509 3.1259286 "KOR" 7.156855 4.1817265 "LBR" -.4721583 2.318493 "MYS" 4.114544 3.8480165 "MLT" 6.652838 3.7835095 "MUS" 3.024178 3.1929696 "MEX" 1.9739418 3.130883 "NPL" .7671511 2.044247 "NLD" 2.2005773 4.4623857 "NZL" 1.1241318 3.626801 "NER" -2.751478 2.568801 "NOR" 3.182494 4.402111 "PAK" 2.698163 3.0333946 "PAN" 2.0271885 3.694385 "PNG" 1.1203711 3.037085 "PRY" 2.3819315 2.6755195 "PER" .06020596 2.589619 "PHL" 1.1587406 3.2949524 "PRT" 3.64731 4.0075636 "SEN" -.4378241 3.3143885 "SLE" -.3398342 1.6226246 "ZAF" .3920211 4.275775 "ESP" 2.880327 4.175143 "LKA" 2.7045984 2.7856154 "SWE" 1.8881342 4.4898977 "CHE" 1.4218653 4.950846 "SYR" 2.511772 2.1776114 "TWN" 6.624734 4.057945 "THA" 4.876695 3.856032 "TGO" .4627753 3.0857854 "TTO" 1.1207864 3.4465425 "GBR" 1.9622195 3.835404 "USA" 1.712265 4.72797 "URY" 1.0253086 3.0545275 "VEN" -.8835508 3.500184 "ZAR" -2.8119445 1.4072825 "ZWE" .8381555 3.137074 end
The corresponding command is
twoway (scatter growth lprivo, mlabel(code)) (lfit growth lprivo)
My question is: how can I get the corresponding command for this graph? Thanks.