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  • #16
    I don't know why the manuals for 13 show up on a Google when the manuals for 16 are visible too.

    That works too.

    In Stata 16 help limits tells me this, where the two entries are for Stata/IC and Stata/SE, Stata/MP (and so the limits are the same across IC, SE, MP)

    length of one characteristic
    (bytes) 67,784 67,784


    • #17
      Apologies for the seriously late update on this thread. I used the information and queries in this thread to compile a request for extention to varlabs and vallabs. Stata reviewed the request, and replied:

      Changing this limit involves not just Stata's output routines which display variable labels, but also a change to our dataset format. We try as much as possible not to change our dataset format unless absolutely necessary, so while the development group is aware of this request, it is something which, if it happens, could only happen when a whole new version of Stata came out.


      • #18
        Thanks for the update, which confirms the concerns of changing the dataset format that I have speculated in #5.


        • #19
          Another seriously late update to the thread, but it would be nice to have labels longer than 80 characters when exporting a table outside of Stata. As it stands all variables with labels longer than 80 characters (in my case a variable representing a 140 character question) must be edited in excel/word/wherever the table is exported to after creation in Stata. I haven't found a way to fix this with notes or characteristics yet.

