Hi guys,
I am using the following code to run a quantile regression for panel data:
forvalues i=0.1(0.1)0.9{
qregpd gini carrier_mmc2 lnhhi, quantile(`i') id(id) fix(quarter) optimize(mcmc) ///
draws(10000) burn(1000) arate(0.5)
two questions: 1) I want to include id fixed effects and time(quarter) fixed effects, can I do this with the above codes?
2) I want to plot coefficients for regressor carrier_mmc2 by quantiles with 95% confidence interval, I am wondering if there are any codes can do this?
Thank you! Any suggest will be appreciated!
I am using the following code to run a quantile regression for panel data:
forvalues i=0.1(0.1)0.9{
qregpd gini carrier_mmc2 lnhhi, quantile(`i') id(id) fix(quarter) optimize(mcmc) ///
draws(10000) burn(1000) arate(0.5)
two questions: 1) I want to include id fixed effects and time(quarter) fixed effects, can I do this with the above codes?
2) I want to plot coefficients for regressor carrier_mmc2 by quantiles with 95% confidence interval, I am wondering if there are any codes can do this?
Thank you! Any suggest will be appreciated!