Hi All,
// Stata-MP 14.2 - (user-written commands not possible)
// Large, "very short" (N>>T) longitudinal data of firm employment and payroll
I want to look at the effects of employment change (emp_change) on average wages (avg_wage), while taking into account size by using a categorical variable (size_cat).
There's good reason to suspect that the relationship between size_cat and emp_change and/or avg_wage is non-linear. However:
all yield the same results, and there is no emp_change#size_cat#size_cat in the regression output.
Much appreciated if anyone has an idea on how to keep size_cat as a categorical variable while making it a non-linear interaction term. Reason being that the end goal here is to use it as a divider/decomposer for emp_change in the margins command:
// Stata-MP 14.2 - (user-written commands not possible)
// Large, "very short" (N>>T) longitudinal data of firm employment and payroll
I want to look at the effects of employment change (emp_change) on average wages (avg_wage), while taking into account size by using a categorical variable (size_cat).
There's good reason to suspect that the relationship between size_cat and emp_change and/or avg_wage is non-linear. However:
xtreg avg_wage emp_change##i.size_cat##i.size_cat
xtreg avg_wage emp_change##i.size_cat#i.size_cat
xtreg avg_wage emp_change##(i.size_cat i.size_cat#i.size_cat)
xtreg avg_wage emp_change##(size_cat##size_cat) i.size_cat
Much appreciated if anyone has an idea on how to keep size_cat as a categorical variable while making it a non-linear interaction term. Reason being that the end goal here is to use it as a divider/decomposer for emp_change in the margins command:
margins size_cat, dydx(emp_change)