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  • #16
    Hi Statalist folks! Just wanted to let you all know that the most recent version of the summtab package includes the command summtab2, which allows more control over the placement of variables within summary tables. Now continuous and categorical variables can be interspersed throughout the table. After downloading, type help summtab2 for more details.


    • #17
      Dear John Gallis I like to thank you for this very neat program (summtab2). I would like to know if you see any opootunities for transposing the data output? Or am I overlooking something? As I am working with larger cat-by-variables, it is inconvenient to have them in the header and not in the rows. I really appreciate your effort. Marc


      • #18
        Hi Marc Kaulisch, I am glad to hear you are finding the program useful. Unfortunately I have no plans to add code to transpose the output, as it would likely be very time intensive. One workaround you could use is to run several 'summtab2' commands in a row with one by variable and one categorical variable (where the categorical variable is the one you want to use as a by variable but have it in the rows rather than the header), then use the append option to append them all in one Word document. Maybe not ideal, but probably the only workaround available the way the program is coded currently.


        • #19
          Hello John, your summtab2 command has been really pretty useful. I am just facing an error when the by variable has more than 25 levels. I guess the command has been designed so as the excel sheet goes upto cell Z and can not go beyond. Is there any way out to this?

