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  • Glst command, dose-response meta-analysis

    Hi, new to Stata.

    Can someone please help with glst command the data returns conformability error. It seems to arise from a single study:

    glst logrr dose if(id==2), se(se) cov(n cases) ir
    *: 3200 conformability error
    glsest(): - function returned error
    <istmt>: - function returned error

    Data for the study is:

    id rr lrr urr dose cat n cases type logrr se

    2 1 1 1 1.9 0 167657 863 2 0 0
    2 1.04 .94 1.14 4.5 1 171701 833 2 .03922071 .04921102
    2 1 .9 1.1 7.8 2 173427 793 2 0 .05119244
    2 1.04 .94 1.14 13.7 3 173317 814 2 .03922071 .04921102
    2 .97 .87 1.07 26.3 4 170814 743 2 -.03045921 .05278687

    Can anyone help or point me in the right direction?

    Many Thanks,

  • #2
    Hello Rachel, the problem is that one non-referent logRR=0 (obs. #3), which bothers -glst- (user-written command from SSC/SJ)

    . clear
    . input id rr lrr urr dose cat n cases type logrr se
                id         rr        lrr        urr       dose        cat          n      cases       type      logrr         se
    . 2 1 1 1 1.9 0 167657 863 2 0 0
      2. 2 1.04 .94 1.14 4.5 1 171701 833 2 .03922071 .04921102
      3. 2 1 .9 1.1 7.8 2 173427 793 2 0 .05119244
      4. 2 1.04 .94 1.14 13.7 3 173317 814 2 .03922071 .04921102
      5. 2 .97 .87 1.07 26.3 4 170814 743 2 -.03045921 .05278687
      6. end
    . replace logrr = 0.0001 in 3
    (1 real change made)
    . glst logrr dose if(id==2), se(se) cov(n cases) ir
    Generalized least-squares regression                 Number of obs   =       4
    Goodness-of-fit chi2(3)    =    2.27                 Model chi2(1)   =    0.55
    Prob > chi2                =  0.5191                 Prob > chi2     =  0.4581
           logrr |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
            dose |  -.0013552   .0018262    -0.74   0.458    -.0049345    .0022242

