When I generate an output table using this sequence of commands:
eststo clear
eststo: estpost tab farmerestimate
esttab, cells ("b (fmt(a2)) pct (fmt( %9.1f))") ///
label nomti nonum ///
collabels ("Number" "Percent") ///
title(Table: Farmer Estimate of Plot Sizes)
The rows are labeled _missing_5, 1_missing_0, etc. instead of .5 and 1.0 as they are when you view the results using the regular tab command (tab farmerestimate). As a newbie, I really don't have a clue how to trouble shoot this. Ideas?
eststo clear
eststo: estpost tab farmerestimate
esttab, cells ("b (fmt(a2)) pct (fmt( %9.1f))") ///
label nomti nonum ///
collabels ("Number" "Percent") ///
title(Table: Farmer Estimate of Plot Sizes)
The rows are labeled _missing_5, 1_missing_0, etc. instead of .5 and 1.0 as they are when you view the results using the regular tab command (tab farmerestimate). As a newbie, I really don't have a clue how to trouble shoot this. Ideas?