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  • Stata book recommendation

    I am very curious about the good books to learn Stata for a specific topic, or as an example to follow.
    I know Stata Press has published many books, but we may have no chance to review all of them.
    If you have any recommendation, please feel free to reply.
    Thank you very much.

  • #2
    I highly recommend Christopher Baum's An Introduction to Stata Programming. I reviewed it about a year or so ago in the Stata Journal, so you can read my full opinion of it there. The short version: The examples in the book lean towards economics and finance (but there are some examples from other disciplines as well). It is also "modular" in the sense that depending on how advanced you want to become, you can profit from reading only certain parts of the book and then stopping when you have mastered what you need to know. But the writing is very clear and includes many realistic worked examples.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Clyde Schechter View Post
      I highly recommend Christopher Baum's An Introduction to Stata Programming. I reviewed it about a year or so ago in the Stata Journal, so you can read my full opinion of it there. The short version: The examples in the book lean towards economics and finance (but there are some examples from other disciplines as well). It is also "modular" in the sense that depending on how advanced you want to become, you can profit from reading only certain parts of the book and then stopping when you have mastered what you need to know. But the writing is very clear and includes many realistic worked examples.
      Thank you very much for sharing it. I search the newest version is 2016.


      • #4
        What exactly do you want to learn about? Kit's book is very good. But if you are looking for a broader introduction, I like

        For programming, I also very much like

        I wish they would update it though.

        Long and Freese's book is also a big favorite of mine:

        There are many other good books. I think most do a good job of explaining concepts and techniques while providing good examples of how to use Stata.

        Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
        StataNow Version: 18.5 MP (2 processor)

        EMAIL: rwilliam@ND.Edu


        • #5
          Originally posted by Richard Williams View Post
          What exactly do you want to learn about? Kit's book is very good. But if you are looking for a broader introduction, I like

          For programming, I also very much like

          I wish they would update it though.

          Long and Freese's book is also a big favorite of mine:

          There are many other good books. I think most do a good job of explaining concepts and techniques while providing good examples of how to use Stata.
          Any topic will be fine for me. I just want to know more about the Stata books.
          Thank you very much for sharing it.


          • #6
            from the economist's corner (with or without health flavour), I woud recommend:
            Kind regards,
            (StataNow 18.5)


            • #7
              Originally posted by Carlo Lazzaro View Post
              from the economist's corner (with or without health flavour), I woud recommend:
              Thank you so much for this recommendations, it's very helpful for me!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Richard Williams View Post
                What exactly do you want to learn about? Kit's book is very good. But if you are looking for a broader introduction, I like


                For programming, I also very much like


                I wish they would update it though.

                Long and Freese's book is also a big favorite of mine:


                There are many other good books. I think most do a good job of explaining concepts and techniques while providing good examples of how to use Stata.
                Really great recommendations that are helpful to me and will help me. Most of the time lately, besides specialized literature, I like to read fiction, which reveals many important and destructive problems for society. For example, on this site I learned about the book "A Raisin in the Sun" by Lorraine Hansberry, which is a very cool way to deal with the racism of the 50s in Chicago. It's just as pervasive an issue nowadays.

