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  • "insufficient number of targets" for ICC

    Dear Statlisters,
    I have a problem with calculating a basic ICC as an expression of the criterion validity for measurements on continuous scala.
    I am using the command;

    . icc depvar var

    The dependent variable is step counts from step count sensors and the gold standard 'var' is actual steps taken.

    I have 84 measurements and STATA tells me that
    "(40 targets omitted from computation because of unbalanced data)"

    "insufficient observations
    You have requested some statistical calculation, and while there
    are some observations, the number is not sufficient to carry out
    your request."

    Anybody know what to do here?

    I thank you all in advance.

    Last edited by Rasmus Tolstrup; 04 Apr 2018, 03:59.

  • #2
    Please show example data (using dataex). You need data in long form for icc to work.



    • #3
      Hi Daniel,
      Like this?

      * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
      input int V31 double Truestep
      450   486
      457   489
      551   533
      682   706
      694   677
      665   635
       55   482
      590   635
      554   582
      512   517
      672   624
      612   555
       94   532
      652   643
      493   520
      612   612
      671   656
      599   591
      523   589
      621   619
      593   586
      650   639
      346   427
      558 560.5
        0   424
      620   638
      657   645
       50   229
      498   490
      579   592
      664   655
      562   584
      540   529
      477   570
      551   661
      472   518
      602   569
      626   632
      125   397
      185   451
      369   449
      694   680
      462   486
      483   489
      527   533
      710   706
      690   677
      623   635
      388   482
      595   635
      561   582
      508   517
      624   624
      561   555
      481   532
      649   643
      502   520
      638   612
      665   656
      597   591
      565   589
      611   619
      592   586
      623   639
      351   427
      584 560.5
      414   424
      640   638
      647   645
        0   229
      485   490
      427   592
      653   655
      586   584
      541   529
      521   570
      508   661
      488   518
      584   569
      632   632
      367   397
      345   451
      460   449
      706   680
      ------------------ copy up to and including the previous line ------------------

      Listed 84 out of 84 observations


      • #4
        This is what I had in mind.

        Conceptually, are you sure you want ICC(1)? This assumes that the subjects (84 trails in your case) are a random sample (which is probably true), and allows a different set of raters for each subject (which does not seem to be the case here). Perhaps ICC(3) is better suited; it assumes random subjects but fixed raters.

        Anyway, allow me to slip in some advertisement for kappaetc (SSC) then show you how to do the same with Stata's icc (omitting code for inputting the data, given above).

        // rename the variables
        rename (V31 Truestep) (rating#) , addnumber
        // use -kappaetc- (SSC) with data in wide form
        // estimate ICC 1 (subjects random, different raters per subject)
        kappaetc rating1 rating2 , icc(oneway)
        // estimate ICC 3 (subjects random, raters fixed)
        kappaetc rating1 rating2 , icc(mixed)
        // could estimate weighted kappa statistics
        kappaetc rating1 rating2 , wgt(quadratic)
        // now replicate the above with Stata's -icc- command
        // get data in long form
        generate target = _n
        reshape long rating , i(target) j(judge) // judge is the device/truth
        // estimate ICC 1 (subjects random, different raters per subject)
        icc rating target
        // estimate ICC 3 (subjects random, raters fixed)
        icc rating target judge , mixed
        The results

        [output omitted]
        . // rename the variables
        . rename (V31 Truestep) (rating#) , addnumber
        . // use -kappaetc- (SSC) with data in wide form
        . // estimate ICC 1 (subjects random, different raters per subject)
        . kappaetc rating1 rating2 , icc(oneway)
        Interrater reliability                           Number of subjects =      84
        One-way random-effects model                    Ratings per subject =       2
                       |   Coef.     F     df1     df2      P>F   [95% Conf. Interval]
              ICC(1,1) |  0.6947   5.55    83.00   84.00   0.000    0.5657     0.7907
               sigma_s |112.2756
               sigma_e | 74.4224
        . // estimate ICC 3 (subjects random, raters fixed)
        . kappaetc rating1 rating2 , icc(mixed)
        Interrater reliability                           Number of subjects =      84
        Two-way mixed-effects model                     Ratings per subject =       2
                       |   Coef.     F     df1     df2      P>F   [95% Conf. Interval]
              ICC(3,1) |  0.7322   6.47    83.00   83.00   0.000    0.6150     0.8178
               sigma_s |114.0098
               sigma_e | 68.9478
        . // could estimate weighted kappa statistics
        . kappaetc rating1 rating2 , wgt(quadratic)
        Interrater agreement                             Number of subjects =      84
        (weighted  analysis)                            Ratings per subject =       2
                                                Number of rating categories =     107
                             |   Coef.   Std. Err.   t    P>|t|   [95% Conf. Interval]
           Percent Agreement |  0.9780    0.0078 125.14   0.000     0.9625     0.9936
        Brennan and Prediger |  0.7293    0.0963   7.57   0.000     0.5377     0.9208
        Cohen/Conger's Kappa |  0.6987    0.0710   9.84   0.000     0.5574     0.8400
            Scott/Fleiss' Pi |  0.6916    0.0748   9.25   0.000     0.5429     0.8404
                   Gwet's AC |  0.7355    0.0943   7.80   0.000     0.5478     0.9231
        Krippendorff's Alpha |  0.6935    0.0748   9.27   0.000     0.5447     0.8422
        . // now replicate the above with Stata's -icc- command
        . // get data in long form
        . generate target = _n
        . reshape long rating , i(target) j(judge) // judge is the device/truth
        (note: j = 1 2)
        Data                               wide   ->   long
        Number of obs.                       84   ->     168
        Number of variables                   3   ->       3
        j variable (2 values)                     ->   judge
        xij variables:
                                rating1 rating2   ->   rating
        . // estimate ICC 1 (subjects random, different raters per subject)
        . icc rating target
        Intraclass correlations
        One-way random-effects model
        Absolute agreement
        Random effects: target           Number of targets =        84
                                         Number of raters  =         2
                        rating |        ICC       [95% Conf. Interval]
                    Individual |   .6947455       .5657488    .7906549
                       Average |   .8198818       .7226559    .8830902
        F test that
          ICC=0.00: F(83.0, 84.0) = 5.55              Prob > F = 0.000
        Note: ICCs estimate correlations between individual measurements
              and between average measurements made on the same target.
        . // estimate ICC 3 (subjects random, raters fixed)
        . icc rating target judge , mixed
        Intraclass correlations
        Two-way mixed-effects model
        Consistency of agreement
        Random effects: target           Number of targets =        84
         Fixed effects: judge            Number of raters  =         2
                        rating |        ICC       [95% Conf. Interval]
                    Individual |    .732211       .6149596    .8177858
                       Average |   .8454062        .761579    .8997604
        F test that
          ICC=0.00: F(83.0, 83.0) = 6.47              Prob > F = 0.000
        Note: ICCs estimate correlations between individual measurements
              and between average measurements made on the same target.
        end of do-file


        • #5
          Hi Daniel,
          Thank you so much.
          Do I have to rename and reshape my data?

          I have replicated your results by using these 2 commands:

          . ssc install kappaetc

          . kappaetc V31 Truestep , icc(mixed)

          Interrater reliability Number of subjects = 84
          Two-way mixed-effects model Ratings per subject = 2
          | Coef. F df1 df2 P>F [95% Conf. Interval]
          ICC(3,1) | 0.7322 6.47 83.00 83.00 0.000 0.6150 0.8178
          sigma_s |114.0098
          sigma_e | 68.9478

          You are probably right about ICC3,1 as the subjects are a random sample and the "gold standard"/Truestep is an average of two fixed raters' visual count of the steps.

          I think I got it right?

          Best and thanks again!


          • #6
            Do I have to rename and reshape my data?
            The rename is necessary for reshape to work, reshape in turn is necessary for icc to work. Conversely, if you do not rely on icc and stick with kappaetc, there is no need to rename or reshape, as you can see from your results that match those reported earlier.

            [...] the "gold standard"/Truestep is an average of two fixed raters' visual count of the steps.
            Perhaps one could argue that you want the average icc (over two raters) then, but I do not think so; for one thing only one of the measures is actually an average and additionally happens to be taken as "truth". I think ICC(3,1) is a good choice here.


            It might be worth looking at the agreement between the two visual inspections, given their standing as "truth", but this is up to you.

            Last edited by daniel klein; 04 Apr 2018, 06:50.


            • #7
              Originally posted by daniel klein View Post

              The rename is necessary for reshape to work, reshape in turn is necessary for icc to work. Conversely, if you do not rely on icc and stick with kappaetc, there is no need to rename or reshape, as you can see from your results that match those reported earlier.

              Perhaps one could argue that you want the average icc (over two raters) then, but I do not think so; for one thing only one of the measures is actually an average and additionally happens to be taken as "truth". I think ICC(3,1) is a good choice here.


              It might be worth looking at the agreement between the two visual inspections, given their standing as "truth", but this is up to you.

              Hi again,
              This is my way to calculate the "truestep"

              gen truestep = (Talteskridt1+Talteskridt2)*0.5

              So I assume that the true number of steps taken is the average of the visually observed number from the two testers. But I would like to calculate the ICC for the interrater reliability as you say. Can I use the same formula (ICC 3) or do I need a different one?

              Thank you again!

              * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
              input int(Talteskridt1 Talteskridt2) double Truestep int V31
              484 488   486 450
              486 492   489 457
              532 534   533 551
              704 708   706 682
              682 672   677 694
              632 638   635 665
              478 486   482  55
              638 632   635 590
              592 572   582 554
              526 508   517 512
              616 632   624 672
              556 554   555 612
              548 516   532  94
              640 646   643 652
              520 520   520 493
              614 610   612 612
              650 662   656 671
              588 594   591 599
              590 588   589 523
              622 616   619 621
              594 578   586 593
              644 634   639 650
              424 430   427 346
              554 567 560.5 558
              412 436   424   0
              640 636   638 620
              650 640   645 657
              232 226   229  50
              488 492   490 498
              574 610   592 579
              638 672   655 664
              584 584   584 562
              534 524   529 540
              576 564   570 477
              666 656   661 551
              516 520   518 472
              584 554   569 602
              632 632   632 626
              386 408   397 125
              446 456   451 185
              442 456   449 369
              686 674   680 694
              484 488   486 462
              486 492   489 483
              532 534   533 527
              704 708   706 710
              682 672   677 690
              632 638   635 623
              478 486   482 388
              638 632   635 595
              592 572   582 561
              526 508   517 508
              616 632   624 624
              556 554   555 561
              548 516   532 481
              640 646   643 649
              520 520   520 502
              614 610   612 638
              650 662   656 665
              588 594   591 597
              590 588   589 565
              622 616   619 611
              594 578   586 592
              644 634   639 623
              424 430   427 351
              554 567 560.5 584
              412 436   424 414
              640 636   638 640
              650 640   645 647
              232 226   229   0
              488 492   490 485
              574 610   592 427
              638 672   655 653
              584 584   584 586
              534 524   529 541
              576 564   570 521
              666 656   661 508
              516 520   518 488
              584 554   569 584
              632 632   632 632
              386 408   397 367
              446 456   451 345
              442 456   449 460
              686 674   680 706
              ------------------ copy up to and including the previous line ------------------

              Listed 84 out of 84 observations


              • #8
                So I assume that the true number of steps taken is the average of the visually observed number from the two testers. But I would like to calculate the ICC for the interrater reliability as you say. Can I use the same formula (ICC 3) or do I need a different one?
                I was suggesting to estimate the reliability between the two testers, which might be of interest given that these values (or their average) serve as the benchmark. If the numbers were indeed true, in the literal sense, then the two testers should agree exactly in 100 per cent of the cases. If you estimate (unweighted) exact agreement, the two testers agree only on 7 per cent of all cases. The maximum difference being 36 steps. The mean difference between the testers is 0.4 steps, so the assumption of random error being canceled out by averaging seems to work. Taking the (ratio-)scale of stairs into account, you obtain a weighted agreement of 99.9 per cent. The ICC(3) is 98.8. These numbers suggest that the benchmark can be trusted.

                Here is the code for the results above

                // exact agreement
                kappaetc Talteskridt1 Talteskridt2
                // difference
                generate diff = (Talteskridt1 - Talteskridt2)
                summarize diff
                // weighted agreement
                kappaetc Talteskridt1 Talteskridt2 , wgt(ratio)
                // ICC
                kappaetc Talteskridt1 Talteskridt2 , icc(mixed)


                • #9
                  Thank you very much!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by daniel klein View Post
                    I think ICC(3,1) is a good choice here.
                    Dear all,
                    Does anyone knows how to perform a ICC(3, K) - Two-way mixed, average measure

                    I already tried to have a look on
                    help kappaetc icc and help kappaetc But couldn't find the right command

                    Thanks in advance
                    Last edited by Carolina Hincapie; 19 Apr 2024, 03:02.

