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  • I am getting the "factor variables and time series operators not allowed when using the bmte command

    Please help: When I run treatment effect analysis using the bmte command, I am getting the "factor variables and time series operators not allowed" error 101 message. Here is my syntax:

    bmte ISTEPsixteen FRL SPED ELL Gender group(treatvar) theta(5 25) psvars(FRL SPED ELL Gender)kv (FRL SPED ELL Gender) ee hetero cf(3) pmin (0.02) pmax (0.98) bs reps(250) fixp psatee psatuee saving (results) replace

  • #2
    It is a general rule of Stata syntax, applicable in virtually all commands, that you need a comma before the options are specified. Place a comma after Gender and this error message will go away.


    • #3
      Thanks Clyde, I got the same error and spent about an hour trying to figure out what was wrong with my syntax. After including the comma I was able to run my model.

