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  • #76
    The ARDL(1,1,0,1,1,0) model is a special case of the ARDL(2,1,0,1,1,0) model. Evidence for a structural break in the latter is inconsistent with evidence against a structural break in the former.

    Even with the ARDL(1,1,0,1,1,0) model, there is still no evidence for a long-run relationship. Thus, the best model still appears to be an ARDL model in first differences. Unfortunately, the ardl command does not support time series factors in its variable lists. You would need to generate first differences of your variables and then run the ardl command (without the ec option) on those first differences. Or, without searching for optimal lags again, simply use the regress command:
    regress D.y DL.y D.x1 D.x3 D.x4
    Notice that an ARDL(2,1,0,1,1,0) model in the variables y x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 becomes an ARDL(1,0,0,0) model in D.y D.x1 D.x3 D.x4 once the long-run terms are removed.


    • #77
      I am so grateful to you really I appreciate your help so much.
      Otherwise, I would like to ask you if there is possible to estimate the ARDL-ECM model when there is some data are missing (monthly data).


      • #78
        In principle, you can still estimate an ARDL-ECM model if there are gaps in your data, yes.


        • #79
          same case for testing the bound test? there is no problem?
          Many thanks for your help


          • #80
            when i want to estimate the ardl model with maxlags (12)
            there is a problem, i don't know how can i deal with this problem. Any help please?

            ardl lnY lnX1 lnX2 lnX3 lnX4 lnX5,maxlags(12) aic

            # of lag permutations (4455516) exceeds setting of 'maxcombs' (100000)


            • #81
              Try the following:
              ardl lnY lnX1 lnX2 lnX3 lnX4 lnX5, maxlags(12) aic maxcombs(5000000) dots


              • #82
                ok firstly before asking you for this answer, I use this code :
                and lnY lnX1 lnX2 lnX3 lnX4 lnX5, maxcombs (122222) dots then I found these results :
                Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture d’écran 2022-02-23 130950.png
Views:	1
Size:	10.1 KB
ID:	1651588
                but when i use this code
                ardl lnY lnX1 lnX2 lnX3 lnX4 lnX5, maxlags(12) aic maxcombs(5000000) dots i found this results
                Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture d’écran 2022-02-23 130907.png
Views:	2
Size:	14.1 KB
ID:	1651589


                • #83
                  and when i use this code
                  ardl lnY lnX1 lnX2 lnX3 lnX4 lnX5, maxlags(12) aic maxcombs(5000000) dots i found this results
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture d’écran 2022-02-23 130907.png
Views:	2
Size:	14.1 KB
ID:	1651592


                  • #84
                    With your first code, you are using the default maximum lag order of 4. With your second code, you have set the maximum lag order equal to 12. Consequently, results differ.


                    • #85
                      Yes i understand thanks a lot sebastian for your help and for all really it's so interesting.


                      • #86
                        Hello sébastian,

                        Please I want to ask you about the ARDL model when I choose the maximum lags of 12 aic.

                        then ARDL model chooses automatically the number of lags of each variable: ARDL(12,12,0,5,0,9) regression: 12 for the dependent variable and the other for the independent variables.

                        I want to ask you about the number of maximum lags; I have 6 variables; monthly data and number of observations 263 with gaps.


                        • #87
                          Any help please?


                          • #88
                            It is not clear to me what exactly your question is.


                            • #89
                              I want to ask you for the appropriate maxlags to estimate the ARDL model in the case of 6 variables Monthly data and Number of observations 263 with gaps.
                              Because when I choose the maximum lags 12 aic, the ARDL model automatically selected a number of lags for each variable ARDL(12,12,0,5,0,9) regression: 12 for the dependent variable. Then I am stopping here because when I see the results, there are many p values of many lags that aren't significant.


                              • #90
                                I am unable to tell you what the best choice for the maximum lag order would be in your case. 12 does not seem unreasonable to me. For some regressors, the AIC might choose an optimal lag order which is well below the maximum lag order. This happened indeed for some of your variables. The AIC is not removing specific lags when they are statistically insignificant. It is thus normal that some statistically insignificant coefficients are remaining in the model.

