Using excel, I created a long list of -replace- commands (something like 4,000). I then copy-pasted these into a do-file. I want to run all the commands, but for the code to stop if the -replace- command didn't make any real changes. This is to help me error check; all the -replace- commands should make a change, so if it doesn't that tells me something was messed up in excel. However, there are too many instances for me to manually read through all the return messages.
ALTERNATIVELY, if it is possible to generate a list of all commands that didn't make any real changes, that would be better. But I imagine that might be beyond Stata's language?
Advice? Most prior posts I see on this topic ask it in the context of a loop, but I'm not looping.
ALTERNATIVELY, if it is possible to generate a list of all commands that didn't make any real changes, that would be better. But I imagine that might be beyond Stata's language?
Advice? Most prior posts I see on this topic ask it in the context of a loop, but I'm not looping.