This involves the use of the SSC available command esttab (available via SSC install estout).
I have added some scalars to a table of regression coefficients, and then the observations after that (via the obslast option). I would like to add a horizontal line after the scalars (before the observations) in my latex table.
I can figure out how to add the line before or after a variable name via varlabels(, blist(var1 "\hline"))
The example here: http://repec.org/bocode/e/estout/estpost.html under " Post a one-way frequency table (tabulate)" adds a horizontal line after Total - which is not a variable per se in the table.
How can add one before "Observations" in a regression table? That is, is there a way to refer to the obversations line where var1 is in the varlabels command above?
Here is a working example with sysuse auto:
sysuse auto, clear
eststo: reg price mpg trunk
estadd scalar sum=_b[mpg]+_b[trunk]
esttab using test.tex, booktabs scalars("sum Sum") obslast varlabels(, blist(N "\hline")) replace
I want a horizontal line between "Sum" and "N" in the table. Here the varlabels option isn't actually doing anything....
This is pretty in the weeds but if anyone could help it would stop my hourlong obsession with trying to figure this out
This involves the use of the SSC available command esttab (available via SSC install estout).
I have added some scalars to a table of regression coefficients, and then the observations after that (via the obslast option). I would like to add a horizontal line after the scalars (before the observations) in my latex table.
I can figure out how to add the line before or after a variable name via varlabels(, blist(var1 "\hline"))
The example here: http://repec.org/bocode/e/estout/estpost.html under " Post a one-way frequency table (tabulate)" adds a horizontal line after Total - which is not a variable per se in the table.
How can add one before "Observations" in a regression table? That is, is there a way to refer to the obversations line where var1 is in the varlabels command above?
Here is a working example with sysuse auto:
sysuse auto, clear
eststo: reg price mpg trunk
estadd scalar sum=_b[mpg]+_b[trunk]
esttab using test.tex, booktabs scalars("sum Sum") obslast varlabels(, blist(N "\hline")) replace
I want a horizontal line between "Sum" and "N" in the table. Here the varlabels option isn't actually doing anything....
This is pretty in the weeds but if anyone could help it would stop my hourlong obsession with trying to figure this out