Dear Stata Users,
I encounter a problem about graph's ytitle modification. In Stata's twoway plot, the default setting of ytitle is making text reads bottom to top. And with some options, we can modify this setting, for example, we can add option -orientation(horizontal)- and making text reads left to right. However, in some cases, maybe we want to make it more readable, let's say making text reads top to bottom while every character is printed horizontal. In Stata it seems there's no option to reach this and I have to quote each character one by one (graph g3 in code belows). So I want to know if there's some method that can release me from these "annoying" quotes. Thank you.
I encounter a problem about graph's ytitle modification. In Stata's twoway plot, the default setting of ytitle is making text reads bottom to top. And with some options, we can modify this setting, for example, we can add option -orientation(horizontal)- and making text reads left to right. However, in some cases, maybe we want to make it more readable, let's say making text reads top to bottom while every character is printed horizontal. In Stata it seems there's no option to reach this and I have to quote each character one by one (graph g3 in code belows). So I want to know if there's some method that can release me from these "annoying" quotes. Thank you.
graph drop _all sepscatter enroll year, ytitle("ABCDEF") xtitle("") /// separate(scountry) recast(conn) legend(ring(0) posi(11) col(1) region(style(none))) name(g1) sepscatter enroll year, ytitle("ABCDEF", orientation(horizontal)) xtitle("") /// separate(scountry) recast(conn) legend(ring(0) posi(11) col(1) region(style(none))) name(g2) sepscatter enroll year, ytitle("A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F", orientation(horizontal)) xtitle("") /// separate(scountry) recast(conn) legend(ring(0) posi(11) col(1) region(style(none))) name(g3)
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int year byte scountry double enroll 2008 1 20.93997955 2009 1 22.51596069 2010 1 23.94791985 2011 1 24.87281036 2012 1 27.18442917 2013 1 30.16206932 2014 1 39.39038849 2015 1 43.39176941 2008 7 18.94574928 2009 7 20.1099205 2010 7 22.68767929 2011 7 24.80245972 2012 7 25.0209198 2013 7 25.01012993 2014 7 30.47773933 2015 7 28.83564949 2008 20 15.11709976 2009 20 16.1029892 2010 20 17.91148949 2011 20 22.86137009 2012 20 24.36532974 2013 20 23.89011002 2014 20 25.53544998 2015 20 26.87487984 end label values scountry scountry label def scountry 1 "China", modify label def scountry 7 "Vietnam", modify label def scountry 20 "India", modify